Dear Editor,
The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) joins millions across the world in watching with great anxiety the steadily deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip as conflict between Israel and Palestine once again breaks out.
We are deeply worried by the thousands of people on all sides who have been affected by the recent escalation of tensions and violence. The human toll and suffering resulting from this longstanding conflict has reached alarming levels, touching the conscience of the world’s people, and raising a collective voice in calling for peace and humanitarian action.
The Federation upholds the values of justice, human rights and peace. FITUG, being mindful of the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, recognises the significant impact that it has had on innocent civilians, including workers and their families. The reports and images of civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of vital infrastructure are deeply troubling, emphasising the urgent need for a peaceful and just resolution to the conflict.
It is critical to acknowledge that the prolonged conflict has caused long-lasting damage to the region and its inhabitants, requiring immediate attention and action from all parties involved. FITUG stands in solidarity with all those affected by the conflict, and urges all parties to engage in dialogue and work towards a peaceful solution that ensures the safety and well-being of all individuals in the region.
FITUG maintains that the best way to achieve a fair and long-lasting solution to the conflict is through genuine dialogue, diplomatic initiatives, and upholding the rights and dignity of all those involved in the region.
We urge the international community, consisting of governments, organisations and individuals, to intensify their efforts to help establish a ceasefire, and participate in constructive negotiations that lead to a comprehensive and sustainable resolution, taking into account previous agreements and accords reached.
In light of the ongoing conflict, FITUG strongly encourages the global community to prioritise the pressing humanitarian needs of the affected population. It is imperative to provide urgent medical assistance, treatment for injuries and illnesses, and access to medical facilities. In addition to this, humanitarian aid such as food, water, shelter, and sanitation facilities are crucial to address the basic needs of the displaced persons and the affected communities.
The conflict has caused immense suffering, and the provision of resources and support for displaced persons is essential to alleviate their immediate distress. It is crucial to ensure that the affected population receives the necessary care, support, and protection to rebuild their lives and recover from the impact of the conflict.
FITUG calls upon the international community to join hands and work together to provide the much-needed assistance and support to those affected by the conflict.
In light of the current situation, FITUG would like to reiterate the urgent need for a peaceful resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. We urge all parties involved to prioritise the safety and well-being of civilians, and take necessary measures to de-escalate the tensions. As we express our solidarity, we emphasize the importance of collective efforts to establish a pathway towards lasting peace, justice, and stability in the region.
FITUG calls upon our Government, civil society, and fellow Guyanese citizens to come together and advocate for peace, humanitarian aid, and a just resolution to the conflict. It is crucial that we stand united in our pursuit of a world wherein peace prevails over conflict, and the rights and dignity of all people are respected. Let us work towards a future wherein the people of Israel and Palestine can coexist in harmony and prosperity.
Federation of
Independent Trade
Unions of Guyana