Pedestrian dies after being struck by motorcyclist

A pedestrian lost his life on Sunday after he was reportedly struck down by a motorcyclist along the Rupertee Access Trail in Aranaputa, North Rupununi, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo).
The dead man has been identified as 56-year-old Charles Dookram also of Aranaputa, North Rupununi.
Police stated that on the day in question at about 03:40h, Vice Chairman of the Rupertee Community Policing Group and a resident of Rupertee Village, Wesley Roberts was awakened by a loud noise outside his home.
As he went to investigate, he observed someone lying motionlessly on the roadway. Upon a closer look, he realised that it was Dookram. At the time, severe injuries were seen on his head and body.
Also at the scene, he observed a motorcycle with its rider – Alivius John, a 22-year-old labourer of Annai village, North Rupununi, who was also injured.
The injured pedestrian was picked up and taken to the Annai Health Centre, where he was treated and referred to the Lethem Regional Hospital where he later succumbed.
The motorcyclist was arrested and he is assisting with the investigations.