Pensioner, friends charged for assaulting man

Sixty-five-year-old Alston Primo of 551 West Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, Georgetown; 60-year-old Stephen Braithwaite of 810 Plantain Walk, West Bank Demerara (WBD); and 59-year-old stroke patient Harry Blackman were on Monday arraigned before City Magistrate Judy Latchman on a charge of brutally attacking a man who claimed to have witnessed a crime they allegedly committed.
Particulars of the charge are that on February 22, 2018, at the Muneshwer’s Building on Water Street, they unlawfully assaulted Hardid Parsuit.
The virtual complainant, Parsuit, told the court he had witnessed the defendants and others robbing a woman of money; and later that day, he was attacked by six men, three of whom he recognised, and was dealt several slaps and cuffs about his body.
The defendants all claim to have been mistakenly identified. Braithwaite told the Court that he was at a funeral on the day in question. Blackman explained that he is a stroke patient and does not have the use of one of his arms. As such, he could not have been one of the persons who assaulted Parsuit.
Bail was granted to the men in the sum of $30,000 each, and they are expected to return to Court on April 9 2018.