Perception versus reality

Dear Editor,
We can now add the Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) to the numerous jokes about ‘Perception versus Reality’. Given the Auditor General’s report for 2018 is filled with page after page of very real corruption and theft in every single Ministry and Department of Government and includes billions of dollars in unaccounted-for public monies and bypassing of public procurement laws, the question must be asked as to how could Guyana be improving on the Corruption Perception Index? The answer lies with the local chapter of TI and the reports it submits annually.
Dr Troy Thomas should be ashamed of his participation in presenting a fraudulent picture of Guyana to the international community; there is a preponderance of evidence in the AG’s Reports for the years 2015-18 to show the growth of corruption has been massive and the Public Procurement Act has been broken and largely nullified by the Granger Administration. The most recent AG Report provides proof that TI-Guyana’s perception is not based in reality; this report diminishes the organisation tasked with an oversight role in civil society; it also diminishes the parent organization, Transparency International.
Headlines such as “Govt failed to account for over $800 million spent in 2018” and “Over $166 million in overpayments to contractors recorded for 2018” (Stabroek News 5.1.20) “Govt fails to implement 174 of Auditor General’s recommendations” (Kaieteur News 11.12.2018) “$$Multi-billion contracts recently awarded under investigation” (Knews 12.1.20) show a pattern of continuing indifference to public accounting by the Granger Administration. For a corruption watchdog organisation such as TI-Guyana to provide reports that lead to a false perception of our current level of corruption and mismanagement is borderline criminal and certainly unethical.
Dr Troy Thomas appears to be attempting to create a perception based on his fantasies or political preferences. The report states “While there is still much work to do, the Government is demonstrating political will to hold former politicians accountable for the misuse of State resources”. I can assure, that based on the AG Reports 2015-18 many current politicians will be held accountable for misuse of State resources and this time with evidence to back those prosecutions. Our stock on the index will soar if this is the yardstick.
Dr Thomas should be guiding the organisation he heads into areas that seek information such as the hidden contract between Government of Guyana and Shell Western for the sale of Guyana’s first three lifts of profit oil; this is what we should expect from a watchdog; barking at possible corruption and theft like a vicious Doberman; instead what we have been given is a report that evokes thoughts of a golden era comedy-farce ‘Carry on Stealing’ written by a pliant poodle. Guyanese are faced with a stark choice on Election Day, March 2 – perceptions based on fantasy or reality based on the Auditor General’s reports.

Robin Singh