Gordon Williams, also known as “Monkey Harry”, 53, and his 49-year-old wife, Lorna Scott, of Lot 2 Perseverance, on the Essequibo Coast, were on Tuesday remanded to prison for the possession of narcotics.
The couple made their court appearance before Magistrate Sunil Scarce at the Anna Regina Magistrate’s Court where they faced a joint charge for the possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.
The prosecution’s facts stated that during a Police raid on June 27, 2016, detectives attached to the major crime and narcotics unit unearthed 535 grams of cocaine in a pot in the couple’s kitchen.
The two suspects, who are the owners of the premises, were told of the offence to which they both denied. They were remanded to prison until July 21, for the commencement of trial.
The couple along with three others are presently before the court for narcotic charges. In 2015, they were busted during a raid conducted by ranks from Georgetown. They also served jail time after they were found guilty of narcotic charges in the past.