PET CARE: Adopting/acquiring a pet as a new family member (continued)

By Dr Steve Surujbally

Dear readers, you may notice that we are spending what seems to be an inordinate amount of time on this issue of adopting/acquiring a companion animal.  Simply put, it is because you do not want to bring a pet home to live with yourself and family for the next decade, and then, within a few months you decide to get rid of the pet.  Some of the methods used to rid oneself of the pet may be unconscionable and even illegal.

So here again is some more advice which you could take on board prior to the actual adoption.

When you are adopting a dog, especially one from a Shelter, there are certain considerations that have to be factored into the exercise.  Below are listed some of those undertakings:

  • Walk through the entire kennel area at least once to identify initially some dogs who appeal to you. Stand a few feet away from the ones you like and watch how they react to people.  Then spend a few minutes greeting the dog(s) you’ve chosen through its/their kennel doors.


  • Look for signs of friendliness, like pawing, tail-wagging, exhibiting an eager approach and pressing against the front of the kennel.


  • If you have a family with young children or an active lifestyle, you may want to steer clear of dogs who hang back in their kennels, too afraid to greet you or others. Some fearful dogs take a lot of work, may not adapt well to your home, and may snap or bite if they feel threatened.


  • If you don’t have children, don’t rule out a dog you’re interested in just because he’s shy. Keep in mind that you’re seeing him in a very stressful environment and that most dogs behave better in a home than they do in a Shelter.  Perhaps the shy dog just arrived at the Shelter and is upset by all the commotion.  Ask to visit with him/her outside of the kennel area so you can get a better idea of the animal’s personality.


  • Like dogs who retreat to the back of their kennel, a dog who’s jumping, barking or spinning like a maniac in his kennel may just be reacting to the stress of Shelter life. It’s a good idea to visit with such a dog in a calmer area.  While you’re interacting with him/her,  note whether the dog seems calmer and friendlier once out of the kennel area.


  • If a dog freezes, stares at you stiffly, growls or raises his hackles, move on. These are all signs of an unfriendly and possibly aggressive dog. Of course, unnecessary aggression can be controlled via the intervention of a competent professional (“dog/cat whisperer”).


  • Talk to the staff at the Shelter. Staff members usually become familiar with the personality of each resident dog through daily interactions.  Ask all of the questions you brought with you and ask for the staff’s personal impressions of the dogs you’re considering.


  • You might wish to see the dog closer up on the table in the visiting room or in the waiting room. Getting closer to the dog on the table would allow you to more easily see if there are obvious problems; e.g. hernias, deformities in the extremities (legs especially), physical defects, ailments of the eyes, ears, jaws, teeth, etc.


  • Take advantage of all opportunities to interact with the animals you are considering to adopt. As you visit with each dog, think about your list of expectations and needs.  A very social dog, who persistently seeks your affection, enjoys lots of attention and seems to adore petting might be a good choice for a family with children.  This kind of dog would also be great for someone who wants to spend quality time with elderly family friends.  An older dog who’s a little more independent might be a better choice for someone who needs to be away from home for long hours. An energetic dog would be wonderful for someone who does a lot of jogging or biking.


  • Start with quiet time. For the first few minutes with a potential adoptee, just sit quietly with him. Don’t touch or talk to him, and see what he chooses to do.  A Shelter can be noisy and distracting.  See if he/she eventually approaches you and works to get your attention?  Or does he/she focus on other things instead?  After sitting quietly for a few minutes, pet and talk to the dog if it’s friendly.  Does he/she seem to like being stroked and touched?  If you stop petting him, does he/she walk away or ask for more?  If you’re looking for an independent companion, a dog who doesn’t seem especially eager to get your attention might suit you well.  However, if you’re looking for a very social, interactive dog, one who can’t get enough of you might be the best fit.


  • Take the dog for a walk if possible. If the Shelter Administrator allows you to take one of the possible adoption choices out for a walk, don’t worry too much about him jumping and pulling on the leash.  Most dogs will do these things if they haven’t been trained to behave differently, and especially if they’ve been cooped up in a kennel for days, weeks or months.  Just be sure you’re able to hang on and gently control the dog.  As you walk, take note of his demeanour.  Is he eager to greet people you encounter?  Does he seem to take outdoor sights and sounds in stride?  If he barks, lunges, growls, cowers, freezes in terror or trembles uncontrollably when he sees people, other dogs or cars that pass, he/she might not have been thoroughly socialized as a puppy.  Be warned:  It will take considerable time and effort to retrain and socialize this kind of dogs – and there’s no guarantee that his behaviour will improve.


  • Play with the dog. Try to engage the dog in a game of tug-of-war, for several minutes, letting the dog get excited and energized. Then abruptly stop playing and put the toy away.  Observe how long it takes the dog to calm down and resume socializing with you.  Ideally, the dog will calm down within a couple of minutes.  If it takes much longer than that, you may have a sports champion on your hands, but perhaps not the most easygoing house pet.


  • Make sure the dog adores your children. If you have children, it’s important to take some extra precautions when choosing a new dog.  You want him/her to love your children as much as you do.  If possible, choose a dog who has lived with kids before and enjoyed lots of pleasant experiences with them.  Bring your children with you to the Shelter and look for a dog who seems to like them at least as much as he likes adults.  In fact, it’s best to adopt a dog who prefers children.  If a dog moves away from your children, avoids or ignores them, flinches at their touch or seems anxious or upset by their voices or movements, he’s not the dog for your family.  Your children must come first, so you need to find a dog who doesn’t just tolerate them well – he should love it when they play with him and touch him all over.  When meeting a dog you’re considering, do some things that your kids might do when interacting with him. Try hugging him around the neck.  Gently poke, prod and push him.  Touch his ears, tail and paws.  In response, the dog should just wag happily and seek more attention.  If he gets stiff, tucks his tail, growls, shows his teeth, quickly retreat or whips his head around toward your hand when you touch him, he’s not the right choice for you.  Another important thing to watch out for is possessiveness.  Ask the Shelter staff to show how the dog reacts when they take away his food, toys and chew bones.  A dog who becomes aggressive when eating or playing with toys may not be a safe choice for a family with children.

Next week we will look at some final elements to be considered when adopting a dog.