PET CARE – by Dr Steve Surujbally – PUPPY AILMENTS – continued

In an answer to a previous question dealing with Navel Ill, the word septicaemia was referred to.
Q: What really is Septicaemia?
A: This is a serious condition which can and often does result in death. Septicaemia means that lethal germs are multiplying rapidly and circulating in the animals’ bloodstream. This situation arises when an overwhelming number of bacteria have broken through the animal’s defence capabilities and the hapless animal cannot naturally fight off the excessive multiplication of the harmful microorganisms (germs); and even when the vet-prescribed and administered antibiotics and other medications are not having the desired response.
When the septicaemia emerges in puppies, the scientist, logically as always, find a name for the ailment. They call it Puppy Septicaemia. Often, I have heard and seen this condition described as blood poisoning.
Germs enter the puppies through several ports of entry leading to infection. These entry points include the skin (especially if it is broken) and the mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, nose). We dealt with the specific entry point of the umbilical area while discussing Navel Ill (NI) last week (September 27, 2020) in newborn puppies.
Q: How can we recognize Puppy Septicaemia?
A: As mentioned earlier, bacteria – having made their way into the animal’s bloodstream via one or all of the ports of entry will produce a host of symptoms. Germs which enter via the oral cavity (mouth) would penetrate the stomach wall and the intestines, especially when the puppy is very young.

1. Swollen Abdomen – I mention this as the first sign mostly because it is what the vet sees when the ailing pup is brought to the Clinic. The caregiver at home must be able to recognize this bloated condition within days of the pup’s birth. The distended abdomen is visible shortly after the germ contaminated mother’s milk has entered the stomach/intestines. (See below – “Toxic Milk Syndrome”).
2. Diarrhoea – Foul-smelling, gaseous, loose stool will normally accompany the swollen abdomen. Consequently, there would be attendant dehydration.
3. Red and Swollen Anal Area – Associated with diarrhoea and painful to puppy
4. The puppies seem to be constantly uncomfortable. They cry; they move around; they do not nurse as they should.
5. Soon, within days, the puppies exhibit a pronounced lack of energy and become weak and stationary.
6. These initial symptoms progress quickly into a rigid and even more swollen abdomen.
7. The puppies are obviously not faring well; they cease nursing and are not gaining weight.

Q: Can the puppies be saved?
A: Recognising the problem immediately and getting the pups (and their mother) quickly to the Clinic. Speed is if the greatest essence.
The TREATMENT will yield positive results if the vet intervenes within 24 hours after the first onset of the symptoms. There is not much that the caregiver can do since there is a need for an immediate skilled (professional) intervention. This will include:
1. Rehydrating the pup by the veterinarian with Glucose/Dextrose Saline, or initially (before you even arrive at the Clinic) with fresh coconut water (young coconuts), administered orally.
2. Having established where the infection has originated, (often it is the mother dog), the vet will introduce specific antibiotics and other supportive medication to both the mother (if necessary) and puppies.
3. The puppies must be treated individually for the diarrhoea – again, by the vet, or under veterinary supervision
4. You may wish, under veterinary advice, to hand-rear the newborn puppies (see detailed explanations in recent Pet Care columns, particularly the column of September 13, 2020)

Puppy Septicaemia was mentioned as arising from ingestion of milk produced by the pup’s mother. Please explain.
A: I am quite sure that scientists and researchers will agree that in all mammals, the milk produced for the offspring of their respective breed is the absolute best and most nutritious – bar none. Nevertheless, on occasion, a condition arises in the mother dog, whereby the milk being produced is toxic to the newborn puppies. We are then dealing with a Toxic Milk Syndrome (T.M.S.).
This toxicity can emerge from various ailments in the mother dogs; for example:
1. MASTITIS – An infection in the mother’s breast (in the mammary glands) coinciding with the period before, during and after delivery of puppies.

1. METRITIS – An infection of the womb (Uterus) – especially immediately after delivery of puppies

1. GENERALISED AILMENTS (septicaemia) of the mother dog which allows germs to reach the milk-producing glands, consequently contaminating the milk.

All the symptoms exhibited by puppies suffering from Puppy Septicaemia, as described above, could be present in the T.M.S. The therapeutic regime is also consistent with that administered for Puppy Septicaemia.