Pharmacy technician allegedly assaulted by senior medical staffer at Psychiatric Hospital

A pharmacy technician attached to the National Psychiatric Hospital at New Amsterdam, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), has reportedly been assaulted by a senior medical staffer attached to the same facility. Reports are that the incident occurred on Wednesday morning.
The matter has since been reported to the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) and the Police. According to the Union, the staff member reported that after she had signed the time book – which had to be replaced, since the previous one had disappeared – the senior official removed the time book and tore it up in her presence, and reportedly told her that she was no longer attached to that institution.
According to the union representative, the technician is also alleging that she was pelted with the book, and had to seek medical attention.
This newspaper was told that the Police went to the medical facility but could not speak with the senior hospital official, who was reportedly working.
According to the Police, the matter is being dealt with at the level of the Regional Democratic Council.
Back in November, following a verbal exchange between this technician and a senior official at the hospital, the technician was issued with a letter of transfer, and asked to report to the New Amsterdam Health Centre.
This had prompted a sit-out by staff attached to the National Psychiatric Hospital, who demanded that the transfer letter be recalled after they alleged that it was an unfair decision. This technician has been working at the institution for the past sixteen years.
Meanwhile, the issue of transfer is currently being dealt with by the GPSU. The Union representative has said the Union is in receipt of several other reports of assault on junior staff by a senior official at the said institution, and, as a result, the Union is engaging the administration on the issue.