Plane found illegally in Guyana in 2017 converted for official use

The work started a few years ago on a plane that was seized in Guyana in 2017, to convert it for the use of the state, has been completed.
The plane is currently in the custody of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF). A number of officials were on hand when the plane arrived in Guyana at 17:30h on Saturday, including Chief of Staff of the GDF, Brigadier Omar Khan, and National Security Advisor Captain (retired) Gerry Gouveia. The plan arrived Eugene F Correia Internation Airport

Officials including National Security Advisor Capt. (Ret’d) Gerry Gouveia (3rd from right) and GDF Chief of Staff Brig. Omar Khan (center) infront of the newly converted aircraft

In an interview with this publication, Gouveia explained that the plane will be used for local and regional travels, and also for operations along the border and other locations.
“The aircraft is in Guyana, and it’s in the possession of the GDF. Extensive work had to be done on it,” the Advisor said, adding that it was the President’s decision to complete the refurbishment.
The twin engine Beechcraft aircraft was discovered back in 2017 in Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo). At the time, it was found to be registered to Banco-Brandesco – one of Brazil’s largest banks. While narcotics were not found on board, identification cards of Venezuelan and Brazilian nationals were found.
Brazilian authorities subsequently claimed that the plane was stolen and flown to Guyana, though no proof of this was provided.
The plane is a Super KingAir 350 aircraft that is designed for high-speed, high-altitude, executive transport and reconnaissance missions. According to a statement, GDF pilots and engineers had undergone training in the USA, over the last year, to operate and maintain the aircraft.
It is understood that the aircraft underwent a complete refurbishment at a top maintenance facility in Miami, Florida. This refurbishment was approved by President Ali two years ago. The refurbishment was completed last week, and the plane arrived at the Ogle Airport on Saturday afternoon.
The Super KingAir 350 will be utilised for reconnaissance flights along the borders and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), as well as executive transport for Caribbean and South American flights. (G3)