Player, patrons get lifetime ban for assaulting official
The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) has imposed an immediate lifetime ban on Kelvin Moore of the North East La Penitence football team, and his brothers Kevin and Calvin Moore have also been banned from all football venues.
These brothers have all been found guilty of assaulting match referee Errol Squires during the Adoni Productions-organized GT Beer “Keep Your Five Alive” Indoor Football Tournament, held at the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue over the period October 17/November 9, 2019.
These measures are among a raft of recommendations made following an internal investigation of the incident.
While this matter is engaging the attention of law enforcement officers, the organizers of ‘Adoni Productions’ have been requested to assist Mr. Squires in defraying a substantial part of his medical expense for treatment for injuries sustained during this assault.
The following are among the other recommendations made:
(1) That one of the conditions for the approval of any tournament by the GFF is that the promoter/ organizer MUST undertake to provide close security for match officials as far as is practically possible throughout their presence at the venue, and for their safe exit of same.
(2) That promoters/organizers MUST undertake to provide adequate security personnel to prevent intruders from making unauthorized entry into the playing area.
(3) That promoters/organizers be required to lodge a financial security deposit with the GFF, which can be used to offset any unanticipated expense, inclusive of, but not limited to, contributing to any medical bills for persons injured through negligence of the promoter/organizer in providing conditions required to guard against such; and/or
(4) That promoters/organizers be required to provide temporary insurance coverage for players and match officials for the period immediately preceding, during, and immediately after play on match day.