…as caretaker President
Some folks think the pressures that have come down on the PNC-led coalition following the NCM have gotten to David Granger and that’s why he’s acting so bassidy!! Like summoning the Diplomatic Corps and civil society representatives to State House in separate meetings to explain what he and his Government were doing about the CCJ’s consequential orders on the NCM – but just reading a prepared statement and then disappearing without even taking a single question!! Was he just playing the fool?
Now we know for a fella who has more than a passing acquaintance with journalism, Granger is deathly afraid of being questioned! Maybe he’s afraid of going off-script and would be bitch-slapped by his handlers?? But Jeez!! These were people who’d be even more deferential that the fawning local press corps!! Lincoln Lewis of the TUC afterwards said he was disappointed since he had some questions on some issues that he wanted to clear up.
But seriously folks, do you think Lewis would’ve lobbed anything but puffballs at Granger after he’d remained so consistently anti-Jagdeo and PPP in his defence of the PNC?? Lewis might have some skirmishes on some Government policies, but when it comes to the big enchilada – elections to return the PNC to power – he (and the rest of Guyana) knows which side of the fence he’s on!! And then there were the diplomats. They’re trained to be…well…diplomatic!! No awkward questions from that quarter!!
So the question remains: why did Granger diss these strategic groups?? And the answer is, he’s suffering from what’s been dubbed the “Hubris-Nemesis Complex”. As the fella who coined the pathology explained, “Hubris is the capital sin of the arrogant, self-exalting leader who believes that he has the ability and the right to get away with whatever he wishes, even if this means violating accepted standards of conduct and mocking the cardinal virtues of life”.
“Nemesis, on the other hand, was the goddess of divine vengeance. If the gods on high became angry that some mortal was exceeding his fate, she might intervene in human affairs to restore equilibrium; she could be devastating with Hubris”. But in fellas like Granger, the two contradictory impulses have been internalised so that while fully consumed with hubris, Granger projects these sentiments onto those who’ve earned his ire – here Jagdeo and the PPP – and will do whatever it takes to destroy the latter!!
But what the diplomatic community and civil society have to be wary of, is the leader suffering from the Hubris-Nemesis Complex – like Burnham back in the day – can turn their fury on even those who think they’re friends!!
And that’s what Granger’s Louis XIV behaviour signalled!!
…the race card
Well, how dare the Head of the Private Sector Commission, Gerry Gouveia – who represents the constituency that stands to suffer the most harm if the political contretemps spill over into violence – write to GECOM’s CEO Lowenfield to express the body’s concern over going ahead with H2H registration??!! Never mind that immediately after the letter, Lowenfield recanted and accepted most of the points Gouveia made!!
One Government Commissioner in GECOM, WPA’s Desmond Trotman, came out swinging at Gouveia and accused him of “racism”: “What I found most disconcerting is the tone you adopted – a tone consistent with that of a white slave owner, who, in the presence of his overseers, is penalising a delinquent slave for failing to carry out the instructions of “massa”. When I read that part of your letter I was filled with anger and I imagined the treatment of my forefathers by yours, as they were beaten”.
And imagine that Gerry’s Portuguese forefathers died like flies as indentured servants under “Massa’s” whips!!
…dumb with numbers
The PNC just confirmed they’re so mathematically challenged, even the CCJ won’t be able to straighten them this time like with their claim that 33 wasn’t the majority of 65.
Now they’re insisting they’ll get a 2/3 majority in Parliament!!