Plight of a Pensioner at NIS

Dear Editor,
I would like to thank Christopher Ram and his assistant, Christopher Thompson for their time and effort in helping a pensioner – Ms Sahadai to receive a monthly pension from the National Insurance Scheme (NIS); a benefit that was denied for seven long years, even though this pensioner had evidence to show that she had worked for more than 16 continuous years and the NIS contributions were deducted. Management at NIS denied Ms Sahadai a monthly pension, awarding her a small grant instead.
This is not a unique case and I believe umpteen workers are being deprived of benefits that are rightfully theirs by this unreliable organisation called NIS. Established since 1969, why is it that this organisation has no proper system in place to review issues being queried by workers/pensioners? Why should a pensioner be made to wait for four years as her case is being reviewed?
Why should a simple straight forward request for an accurate and updated Contribution Record from NIS have to reach the High Court? Why is the NIS telling workers “Employer X did not pay in your contributions and there is not much we can do,” when in fact, the law allows for NIS to use whatever means necessary to get defaulting employers to pay in the workers contributions. It would appear as though NIS just doesn’t care to or want to address the issues of defaulting employers.
I am thankful for the help and support of Ram and his staff for not giving up on Ms Sahadai, and going the extra mile to ensure she receives from NIS what is rightfully hers, but what about all the other workers who are being denied benefits through no fault of theirs?
It would be great if other attorneys can follow suit and join Ram to ensure that workers of this country are not taken for granted by the NIS.

Yours truly,
Concerned citizen