PM Mia Mottley’s Cabinet reshuffling

Dear Editor,
Today brings us to the end of the Christmas season and the Prime Minister of Barbados has once again reshuffled her Cabinet. Sadly, the Prime Minister failed to address the real problem of an incompetent, bloated and expensive Cabinet that continues to burden taxpayers. This is at a time when Bajans are struggling to make ends meet and the cost of living continues to rise.
Many Bajans are in disbelief that the Prime Minister has increased the Cabinet again with this reshuffle while Bajans worry about how to feed their children today and get them ready for school on Monday. This is another pointless exercise of musical chairs that shows her utter disregard and disrespect for taxpayers’ money.
Barbadians are being asked to continue to pay Davidson Ishmael. He did not last two years as the Minister with full responsibility for Technology and Innovation. Now, he has been moved to the Ministry of Health as a junior Minister in a serious Ministry that has tremendous issues. People have to wait days in the corridors of the QEH before they are admitted to the hospital. As we are all aware, Dr Sonia Browne, a medical professional, has resigned from her post as a Minister of State in the Ministry of Health. Dr Browne tried to meet the challenges but clearly, it was beyond her.
Additionally, where is the silent and absent Minister of Health, Jerome Walcott, who still seems to be very active in Foreign Affairs, despite not being the Minister? His absence comes at a time when the QEH is in complete disarray and Barbados is now on a travel advisory for a dengue outbreak, during the height of our tourist season.
Truthfully, Kay McConney who is also missing in action, should have been part of the reshuffle. Every month the Ministry of Education and the Minister is involved in controversy. We will not forget the IADB survey and the assault on the girls of Springer Memorial. Kay McConney continues to destroy the education system of Barbados. Now, the Prime Minister has moved Sandra Husbands in a questionable attempt to provide help to an inept Minister.
Barbadians are tired of paying for incompetence and we must call the judgement of the Prime Minister’s into question. The bad cards that the Prime Minister has drawn with these incapable Ministers, account for the impulsive decisions of this Cabinet reshuffle.
The Cabinet reshuffle is a white elephant. It is apparent, however, that this press conference was to simply shield a weak Deputy Prime Minister who is battling allegations of corruption. The issue that remains unanswered is the cheque paid to this Minister by a company that has contracts within her Ministry. This is despite the current Government’s assertions while in Opposition that they would bring integrity to public life. This Government passed an Integrity in Public Life law that is still not useable. Is there a reason why the law has not been proclaimed? Hopefully, while we wait, no more Ministers will receive cheques from people who have contracts with their Ministries. Bajans deserve better.

Kind regards,
Stefan Newton