PNC/APNU spokesperson must pull himself together

Dear Editor,
The PNC/APNU spokesperson has belatedly been putting forward a number of alleged “irregularities” which he claims could negate the votes of the Guyanese electorate.  Those alleged “irregularities” all concern GECOM and are at GECOM’s door and have nothing to do with any political party.  Those alleged “irregularities” of GECOM are: –
(i) Polling District names and numbers
(ii)Dead who voted
iii) Migrants who voted
(iv)No ID card and voted without oath of identity
(v) Missing oaths of identity
(vi)Unstamped ballots
(vii)Missing poll book
(viii)Missing OLEs
That party claims that it is GECOM which is obligated to adjudicate on these alleged “irregularities”, all of which attack GECOM and have nothing to do with any political party! That unhinged spokesperson declares that GECOM has to adjudicate on these accusations against itself.
The Chairman, who knows that GECOM cannot adjudicate on accusations against itself but such fall squarely within the ambit of the courts, decided to humour the unhinged the PNC/APNU spokesperson by politely saying ‘send us your accusations and their proof’ and the spokesperson fell for it.  GECOM never claimed that it would usurp the province of the courts and adjudicate on these accusations against itself.
PNC/APNU’s demoralised and unhinged spokesperson needs to urgently pull himself together as PNC supporters are not gullible fools and have begun distancing themselves from this addle-headed thinking.

Yours sincerely,
Paul Vallidum