PNC Chair Volda Lawrence gets $100k bail on fraud charge, to return to court on Sept 11

Former Government Minister Volda Lawrence this morning appeared before the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer to private criminal fraud charges.

The charges were filed in March by Charles Ramson Jr – who is now Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport.

The charges were filed against the Lawrence and Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo in relation to the unverified declaration of results for Region Four.

They are accused of forging official electoral documents in an effort to defraud the country.

The Guyana Times understands that Mingo did not make a court appearance because he was never served.

The particulars of the charge state that Mingo, having been procured by Lawrence on or about March 5 at the Command Centre for the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on High and Hadfield Streets, uttered to the Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, the election results for Region Four, knowing it to be forged, with intent to defraud the people of Guyana.

The Guyana Elections Commission, despite being barred by an injunction, went ahead and published the Form 24s [which the election declaration] for all regions on its website. This included the Region Four unverified declaration. On the form, there is the signature of Mingo and that of Lawrence.

All of the Form 24s that were published by GECOM on its website had GECOM’s stamp with the RO’s signature. However, a close examination of Region Four’s form shows that Lawrence’s signature was affixed below that of the RO.

Lawrence was placed on $100,000 bail and is expected to return to court on September 11.

Lawrence is the Chairperson of the People’s National Congress Reform – the largest party in the APNU/AFC Coalition which was refusing to accept electoral defeat and has been accused of attempting to undermine the will of the people.