PNC has no moral authority to speak on any subject of elections

Dear Editor,
The PNC, APNU, PNC/R, or whatever the term you may want to call them, has no moral authority to speak on anything concerning elections. Neither does the AFC, who, through the cockeyed Ramjattan, saw Russians coming here to vote.
The last general elections saw the watermark of these depraved souls in full display when, for the first time, the world witnessed a five-month-long “legal challenge” to declare the fraudsters as winners of an election. It was the worst of the worst, and the most disgraceful thing to have ever been witnessed, where supposedly educated people had wanted an election declared in favour of the illegals. The PNC are the proud gangsters to have done that. Even as it is, this despicable group of persons are still hoping that a court petition can somehow turn things in their favour.
Now, how did we get here? The answer lies in a background check into the way things were done under the PNC. In the first place, there was nothing called an election under the PNC, they voted themselves into office. Once they took control of the reins of power, that is, since 1963 onwards, they rigged every election known to us.
From the mastermind Burnham came the blueprint for rigging. He chiselled out the plan, and executed it with great precision; from the handpicked selection of the Elections Commission Chairman, right down to the declaration of the results, everything was patented to suit a comfortable win for the party. There was no democracy or fairness in the process at all, it was a sweeping victory situation for the PNC all the way.
Things got so bad in one election, wherein the overseas votes tallied for the PNC from the Island of St Lucia surpassed that of the island’s population itself. This is the way we were, so when I say that this party has no moral standing to ever speak on anything concerning elections or the election process, here are the documented facts.
We have come a long way from that horrible place, and would certainly like to remain in a system where freedom and fairness are the basis on which we choose who governs us.
Neil Adams