Home Letters PNC is unravelling as confusing messages emerge after recount numbers verify fraud
Dear Editor,
My head is spinning as the PNC has embarked on a silly campaign of claiming that the PPP rigged the elections that the PNC was okay with and wanted to be sworn in as the winner, after Mr Mingo’s fraudulent declaration for Region Four.
As Freddy said, somebody needs to advise the PNC people to keep their mouths shut because every time they open their mouths sheer stupidness comes out. Do they not know that when you are in a hole, you have to stop digging? People are laughing at the PNC folks for all the silly things they come up with. They have woven a tangled web to deceive, and even their own people are embarrassed about them now trying to discredit the election they initially hailed as credible.
Granger was the one who said the list was bloated. They supported the House-to-House Registration and fought for the House-to-House numbers to be added to the 2018 list, although the PPP advised against it. PNC and Granger did not have a problem with the final merged list still being bloated, because GECOM was doing everything they wanted. Now we are seeing that the PPP was right about the list and now right about 20 stations were needed for the recount.
What the PNC is doing now is throwing GECOM, the Chair, Lowenfield and assistant, and what people have called the clique of “coup leaders” in GECOM, under the bus. GECOM, which has done everything to support and be in lockstep with the PNC’s playbook, to facilitate the Mingo rigging, and delay the process of recounting by doing an audit instead and aiding and abetting the PNC shenanigans, will now be turned upon by the PNC as being incompetent and using a flawed process during the elections. So, when the PPP gets in and fires Lowenfield and top officers of GECOM, maybe the PNC who is providing the ammunition will vote for that move. (At least the top guy would still get to keep that large plot of land awarded to him).
Mr Granger, an illegal caretaker, holdover President (since Parliament had not extended their stay in Office) offers no solace when he says he will accept the results of GECOM that are “legitimate” and “follows the Constitution.” Granger’s Statement is empty, as Granger would arrogate to himself what “legitimate” means and what “follows the Constitution” means, ignoring decisions of GECOM or the courts. Granger has not proven to be a promise keeper, that’s why they were kicked out. Granger’s credibility has long been shot. Granger has shown that he would look you in the eye and say he is following the Constitution while he is violating it. To remind you, he and Nagamootoo said they will follow the Constitution after the NCM; they did not. Violating the CCJ’s order, they did not hold elections in 90 days, dragged it out over a year to name a date, and now the elections have been held, they are dragging it out again, and we do not have results after 78 days. This is the man who refers to Judges’ orders as their opinions and that he has his own, better opinions. The PNC is all about retaining absolute power, not power-sharing or honest counting.
Granger is the man who brought the Caricom team for a recount then his own party candidates filed and argued a lawsuit against the recount, and then appealed the decision against them. So apart from his lack of honesty, integrity, and decency, Granger doesn’t seem to have control of his own party, unless he is playing a game of “good cop, bad cop” with the nation. He says one thing, then his minions do the opposite.
This case of Granger saying he will abide by the recount results is just meant to keep the tiny 3-member Caricom team from leaving again, since Granger’s people are saying the recount results cannot be legally used to swear in a new President. If that is true, then why should the Caricom team leave their families and make such sacrifices to come and help us resolve our election problems if they are merely wasting time since results would not be accepted? If GECOM does not urgently take control and add more counting stations or do double shifts for counting (with or without permission of Nagamootoo’s group), we will lose the Caricom team after the stipulated 25 days. If Granger is sincere, he can tell Nagamootoo’s group to get with it and not hold up the additional counting stations.
Granger likes to say GECOM is an independent body and he cannot direct GECOM, so why doesn’t the Chair use her constitutional powers to move forward with the new stations? Why is she delaying when she knows the PNC is now throwing her under the bus, and that the Caricom team will leave soon after day 25, and there will be no foreign observers left. But maybe that’s what the PNC wants since that’s crunch time when most of the results would be in and the PNC will have to give up. And then all the PNC lawsuits will fly, street action will commence, and there will be no observers left to see and report it. I submit that is why Granger doesn’t want The Carter Center here. Remember, Granger said he is “the man with the plan.”
Jerry Singh