Home Letters PNC leadership and its monarchy tendencies
Dear Editor,
The behaviour of the PNC leadership since it first assumed Government in 1964 (which was a token of the Cold War era and a deliberate means of ousting the PPP and Comrade CB Jagan from Government by the western powers) has been one that always exhibited monarchy tendencies over Guyana.
As such, the PNC leadership has demonstrated that after Guyana’s independence; instead of the British installing the 1966 Westminster Constitution they should have established an order of succession for the PNC elites as the new monarchy of Guyana and shelved the democratic process of elections for choosing a Government by the will of the people, which would have given the PNC leadership their so-called right to rule over Guyana without democratic elections and the rule of law.
The PNC’s (with all of its name changes) inability to win an election by a democratic process from 1968 to 2020 (I still maintain that the PNC-led – APNU/AFC did not win the 2015 national election by 4506 votes until the PPP elections petition case is heard and a ruling pronounced thereto) is a clear case of its nature to rule Guyana as if this country is their backyard.
Further, and again, the PNC monarchy tendencies were at full display and enforced by the 1978 fraudulent referendum, which firmly paved the way for the 1980 Constitution and foisted its dictatorial rule over Guyanese as their subjects.
Clearly, what is being unfolded at present with the PNC leader and de facto President David A Granger to concede defeat and demit office after losing March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections, is the same monarchy and dictatorial tendencies this country has to endure every passing day since the year 1964.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Ramrattan