PNC loves playing the victim

Dear Editor,
Reading the PNCR’s letter to the diplomatic community, one would be tempted to believe that the eviction of the PNCR from the Regional Office at Lethem was an illegal act. However, that thought is quickly erased when one analyzes the circumstances that led to that eviction.
Theirs is the illegal occupation of state property while, at the same time, utilising the state’s largesse for their own narrow political events. This is a definite no-no!
This brazen abuse of state property for one’s own narrow ulterior motives cannot be allowed; therefore, the Government did the right thing in evicting them from state premises.
In the past, this obnoxious behaviour manifested itself in several areas of civil life; that is, persons from the PNC blatantly refused to vacate state property when asked to do so. This has been a worrying factor for succeeding PPP/C Administrations, wherein they had to approach the courts to evict them.
One such example that readily comes to mind is Opposition Parliamentarian Ganesh Mahipaul’s blunt refusal to vacate state property, which became a sore talking point. This squatter was holding up state property all at the expense of the said state. He even had the gall to petition a court of law to have an extension to his squatting privileges.
Of course, he lost miserably in that ludicrous bid, but this did not stop the PNC from crying the victim’s cry when caught in that illegal stunt of his; and so it has been ever since.
The point is that squatting is illegal, whether on state lands or property. We see it time and time again, where the PNC, who are known offenders of the law, would belligerently turn again and play the victim card – that they were cruelly and unjustly treated, when they are the ones coming to the table with unclean hands. But we are ever so wary of these stunts created and clumsily propagandised by that party. So, once again, I say this nonsensical behaviour has to stop right now!
The PPP/C has always been a peaceful party that prides itself in peaceful co-existence with its opposition; however, the PPP/C will not sit idly by and allow the PNC to do illegal things and get away with it. The PPP/C Administration would put an end to PNC shenanigans, the faster the PNC hierarchy gets this through its thick head the better.
All activities of the state must be done in a legitimate and transparent way. Government as well as the Opposition must conduct themselves in a legal and respectful manner.

Neil Adams