Home Letters PNC only digging themselves deeper into a place of failure, utter embarrassment
Dear Editor,
The PNC are playing the reverse psychology game when it comes to the politics of our country. It is a subtle way of saying one thing when you really mean another, or, loudly trumpeting an idea, even though they fully well know that at the end it would expose their sinister plan. But they persist with that strategy, hoping somewhere, somehow, it will gain some traction in the minds of the hearers. It is akin to a death row prisoner who keeps repeating the words many times over “I am innocent,” wherein he finally deludes himself that he is indeed innocent. Such is the plight the PNC have found themselves into. This plan has never worked but only digs them deeper and deeper into a place of failure and utter embarrassment.
Because with each attempt at that deceitful plan, it only exposes their soft underbelly. Let us examine a few of these; you may recall that it was Dr Cheddi Jagan who first complained about the PNC’s gross exaggeration of the voters’ list and the holding of ghost elections. For decades, the Honourable Dr Jagan spoke up about this evil scheme concocted by the PNC regime. The international world finally came to our aid and assisted us in purging that list and the holding of free and fair elections. Change did come in 1992, when the rightful winners of a fair and transparent system came to power.
Fast forward to 2023 and we can hear it being shouted from the rooftops that there are ghosts on the list and that’s the reason for the PPP/C winning the election. The PNC have through the reverse psychology plan put the blame of rigged elections squarely at the feet of the ruling party. But this is a clumsy effort at creating doubt at the electoral system. In the first place when Dr Jagan raised the issue of “ghost elections” there was ample proof for all to see, both local and overseas observers were privy to this! One can only go to the YouTube channel and log in to elections in British Guiana and witness that shameful process done under the name of an election.
For the PNC to bring forward that argument is ludicrous at best, because the burden of proof is on their part to provide the evidence of a ghost election or any form of rigging, which up until this point, they cannot. The fact is the PNC have always been bad losers, so any straw they can clutch at they will lock on to, in an attempt to gain sympathy for their hopeless cause.
Neil Adams