Dear Editor,
They went to Washington as a supposedly unified team, thinking that Washington would gullibly believe their arguments and blindly accept their word for it. However, they were sadly mistaken as the authorities there did not buy into their story and with dispatch, quickly dismissed the motley crew. I am speaking about the PNC-led team of individuals who went to Washington to seek redress as to the ‘wrongs’ being done to the Guyanese people. They were so full of that fallacy that they failed to take into account that that Anansi story was about to be put to educated listeners, who were bound to ask pointed questions. Hence the PNC crew were totally out of sorts, and was rebuffed with the statement “provide the evidence”.
They committed the cardinal sin of coming to the USA with that Stabroek News, standpipe hearsay gaff, thinking that it might somehow gain traction here, but sadly it met an abrupt end. You see, lies have a strange way in confusing the bearer, because you have to have a good memory when you lie, as memory fades you are prone to forget the main theme of your lies and this somehow messes you up. But the PNC are used to being publicly embarrassed, so it did not make a difference on their part, they returned to Guyana and held a press conference as they shamelessly continued peddling their garbage in that business-as-usual fashion.
Hopefully, the PNC group had learned their lesson, I say hopefully with a great degree of reservation, because that idiotic fervour being belligerent with their lies, is a constant irritation here on a Guyana Stage, however, that foolishness would not survive on the American turf. As a bastion of democracy, the United States of America must uphold that outlook of being an example to the world, or else they will fall prey to the embarrassment that befell the PNC.
Further, the American Congress would have long since been apprised of the atrocities of the PNC, not respecting the Constitution, showing no respect for law and order. Topping the list would have been the bold attempt to rig the last election. So, no amount of sugarcoating could have persuaded them to do otherwise. I could hear the no-nonsense Congresswoman Maxine Waters giving them their marching orders, just “Go provide us with the evidence,” and we will listen to you. How embarrassing!
Neil Adams