PNCR Congress set for June 28-30

Roysdale Forde

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) is set to host its 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress and Elections June 28-30 under the theme: “Forming the Next Government: Building a Just, Inclusive and Prosperous Society for All.”
Party Leader Aubrey Norton made the announcement on Friday during the party’s weekly press briefing.
According to Norton, the Congress’s theme reflects the party’s determination to return to government in the next general elections.
“The theme was chosen to reflect the party’s determination to return to Government in the next general elections and to implement its people-centred development strategy,” he stated.

Amanza Walton-Desir

Further, he expressed that this year’s Congress is set to be the largest and the most important, in the party’s history.
“Delegates and members will be attending the Congress in person; there will be no virtual attendance, arrangements have already started. The 22nd biennial congress is expected to be the party’s largest, most spirited and most important in the party’s history, and we are looking forward to it,” Norton noted.
Norton also touched on some of the topics the executives intended to focus on during the three-day affair.
“Well from a party’s perspective, the Congress reviews the state of the party and that will be done and every aspect of it will be dealt with and then it will have key issues to deal with such as oil and gas and key national issues and the economy,” Norton said.
He is seeking re-election as party leader, but is expected to be challenged by party executive members Roysdale Forde and Amanza Walton-Desir.

PNCR Leader Aubrey Norton

Both Forde and Walton-Desir have indicated their readiness to accept nominations for the post of party leader and other top positions in the party’s executive.
At the last Congress held in December 2021, Norton was elected after three nominations including by Joe Harmon, former Minister of State under the David Granger Administration, and Dr Richard Van West-Charles, the son-in-law of the party’s founder, LFS Burnham. (G2)