The People’s National Congress Reform joins all like-minded groups here at home and in the diaspora in celebrating the 180th anniversary of the arrival of East Indians in Guyana. This occasion offers opportunity for the nation as a whole to recognise the important role that our East Indian ancestors and fellow compatriots have played in the development of Guyana.
The Party also believes that this is an opportunity for the nation to understand that we all share a common destiny, and that racial harmony, tolerance and understanding are essential to the further and overall development of this country. The development of Guyana can no longer be deferred. It is therefore essential that all stakeholders, especially political parties and all relevant social groups and organisations, make a firm commitment to exercise honesty, maturity, and good judgement in order that this nation can put an end to racism, which has often stymied the development of our society and nation.
The PNCR therefore calls on all our citizens to reflect on the significance of this occasion, and to take to heart the lesson that racial harmony and understanding are the keys to our survival and long-term development.