Home Features PNCR urges workers to recommit to development of Guyana
The People’s National Congress extends warmest greetings to workers throughout the country, who continue to contribute to national development as we commemorate Labour Day 2021.
The Trade Union Movement this year will commemorate the centenary of the enactment of the Trades Union Ordinance on 18th June 1921 in British Guiana. A century is a long time in our history. Guyana applauds the historic achievements of the Trades Union Movement to improve the working and living conditions of workers over the years.
The Labour Movement, despite the progress it has made, however, will be celebrating Labour Day at a time of increasing economic uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic… In addition to the growing unemployment and under-employment, severe cuts to social services and the rising cost of living have worsened conditions for many ordinary citizens.
The PNC is disappointed with the inhumane treatment meted out to workers, as manifested in the dismissal of hundreds of Public Servants and the administration’s refusal to meet with Public Sector workers’ unions to negotiate wages and salaries for workers…
The PNC takes this opportunity of Labour Day to recognise the efforts of the working people who have toiled in the offices, fields, factories and the services sectors to advance national development.
The PNC urges everyone, especially our workers, to recommit to the development of our great nation on the basis of equality, rights and justice.