Home News Police claim serious crimes down by 11%
… 59 killed on Guyana’s roadways
The Guyana Police Force on Saturday announced that it has recorded an 11 per cent decrease in serious crime up to the end of July, when compared to the same period last year. In June, the Force also reported a seven per cent decrease in serious crime.![](https://guyanatimesgy.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/CRIME-254x300.jpg)
Based on statistics provided by the Guyana Police Force, there has been a 16 per cent reduction in the incidents of murder for the month of June; a four per cent decrease in incidents of robbery wherein no instrument was used; a five per cent decrease in incidents of robbery under arms; a four per cent decrease in incidents of robbery under arms wherein instruments other than firearms were used; but there has been a 64 per cent increase in incidents of robbery with violence, and a 53 per cent increase in incidents of larceny from the person.
In addition, the Police have recorded a six per cent decrease in incidents of rape, as well as a 1 per cent decrease in incidents of burglary and a 19 per cent decrease in incidents of break and enter and larceny.
Meanwhile, for July, there has been an 18 per cent decrease in incidents of murder; a 17 per cent decrease in incidents of robbery under arms; and a 10 per cent decrease in incidents of rape. Other crimes – such as robberies with violence, robbery with aggravation, and larceny from the person – are on the increase.
However, the stats provided proved that 70 murders were committed for the year thus far, with those stemming from disorderly behaviour topping the list with 32. Thirteen murders were committed as a result of domestic disputes, 11 stemmed from robberies, eight unknown, four executions and two persons were killed other than the reasons mentioned above.
Of the 70 murders committed, A Division (Georgetown-East Bank Demerara) topped the list with 26 followed by B Division (Berbice) with 13; F Division (Interior locations) with 15, six each for C (East Coast Demerara) and D (West Bank Demerara-East Bank Essequibo) Divisions and two in E Division (Linden-Kwakwani). There have been no murders recorded in G Division (Essequibo coast-Islands).
With respect to the seizure of fire arms, the police have intercepted 81 illegal firearms including 51 pistols, 10 revolvers, 12 shots guns and eight rifles. At least 36 of the seized weapons were found in “A” Division followed by F Division (Interior locations).
Meanwhile, the Traffic Department also reported a reduction of fatal accidents and the end of July by 25 per cent.
At the end of June, there was a reduction by 27 per cent. The department reported that there have been 59 deaths up to the end of July from a total of 54 accidents.
According to the Traffic Department, speeding was the contributing factor for 35 of the fatalities up to the end of July. Eight were caused as a result of inattentiveness, six from driving under the influence of alcohol and four persons were killed after they failed to confirm to signs. One person was killed on a pedestrian crossing.
The department has also confirmed that 41,170 cases were made out against errant drivers. Of the total 13,362 were for speeding; 2071 for breach of condition of road service license/music; 1211 for driving under the influence of alcohol; 850 for using cellphones while driving and 724 were charged for tinted motor vehicle.