In light of the two brazen robberies carried out by gunmen on two West Bank Demerara (WBD) businesses in a 24-hour span on Wednesday last, Police ranks are following their leads to close in on the prime suspects.
While it is unclear if both attacks were directly linked; on Saturday, Guyana Times was informed that one of the suspects being pursued by the Police was the main perpetrator behind the crime.
Reports had indicated that the first robbery was committed at Murphy’s Shop in Murphy Street, Good Intent Village, when Massy delivery workers were reportedly held at gunpoint and robbed by a lone gunman.
The Murphy Street business where the delivery truck was reportedly robbed on Wednesday
This attack was said to have occurred around 14:00h when the proprietor’s daughter and niece were about to receive goods from the delivery truck.
The proprietor of the shop had related that her business was well secured which prevented the gunman from making off with anything from the shop. However, this publication was told that the gunman carted off not only the personal belongings of the delivery truck workers but money and property of Massy.
Meanwhile, reports further indicated that the second robbery had occurred around 21:10h that Wednesday when two gunmen stormed a Sisters Village roadside shop and bar, and reportedly forced several persons to lie face down while they were relieved of their belongings.
A male victim of the attack told this newspaper that he was purchasing phone cards when the bandits arrived; they whipped out a hand gun, forced him to the ground and made off with his mobile phone and money.
Guyana Times had also been informed that as one of the gunmen held up persons in the shop; the other had ransacked the home of the shop’s owner.