Police destroys ganja farm, camp on Essequibo Coast

Police on the Essequibo Coast have destroyed a marijuana farm along with a makeshift camp found at the Onderneeming backlands, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).
According to reports, acting on information received, a party of Policemen went to the Onderneeming Sandpit Backlands at about 11:00h on Friday.
Upon arrival at the location, the ranks discovered about half an acre of marijuana plants.
The farm had approximately 600 cannabis plants measuring from five inches to five feet in height with an estimated weight of 25 kilogram, along with a quantity of dry cannabis, amounting to some 2 kilograms.
In addition to the plants, there was a makeshift camp with three hammocks, kitchen utensils, clothing, groceries and farming tools.
The plants, dry cannabis and camp were destroyed by fire and the area was marked for further investigation. No arrest was made at the farm.