Police hunting son who set parents’ house on fire

Police investigators are searching for a 23-year-old man accused of setting his parents’ home ablaze in Aishalton Village, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), on Monday evening. The fire, which occurred around 19:30h, completely destroyed the house, leaving the family of four, including a seven-year-old child, homeless.

The house that was set on fire on Monday evening

According to the suspect’s aunt, Petronella Michael, her nephew has a history of abusive behaviour towards his parents, often fueled by excessive drinking and drug use.
“His behaviour isn’t nice. He was drinking and smoking with his friends in the village, and when he went home, he argued with his father and boxed up his father,” Michael explained. “When his father decided to hold on to his hand, he pulled away and ran. Nobody knew at the time he had matches or a lighter.”
The incident reportedly unfolded after the family left the house and went to the suspect’s sister’s nearby home.
“Everybody came out of the house and went over by his sister’s house. By the time his father turned back, he saw fire at the house. His son lit the house on fire. People also saw the house on fire and ran to help,” Michael recounted.
Michael further noted that her brother, John George, and his wife had faced years of abuse at the hands of their son, yet their cries for help from law enforcement had largely gone unanswered.
“My nephew doesn’t work; he walks around and doesn’t do anything but drink and smoke. This is not the first time. I’ve complained to the police over and over, and they’re not doing anything,” she said.
She expressed frustration with the lack of intervention, adding, “His father told the police that when he kills him, that is when they will do something about it. Now, he burned his parents’ house. Look what happened now.”
The family had been living in the house for 20 years and lost all their possessions in the fire. The suspect fled the scene after the incident, and police are conducting an active investigation into his whereabouts. (G9)