The Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Monday introduced its Mounted Branch to Berbice in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) with four trained ranks and four horses.
The branch is located at Mibicuri Black Bush Polder and will operate out of the Mibicuri Police Station with four animals; Rainbow, Touchdown, Rosie and Coleen. The four animals will remain in the Division, while the ranks will stay for six weeks.
Divisional Commander Kevin Adonis says Black Bush Polder is a strategic location for the Mounted Branch to be located.
He explained, “This is another step forward in the Guyana Police Force and we have recognised the need to bring the Mounted Branch here because of the depth of the backlands at Mibicuri.”
Adonis said it is another form of community relations where they will be able to respond to minor reports emanating from areas where vehicles cannot access. These areas, the Commander noted, will be accessed by using the horses.
Adonis noted that citizens recently assisted the Police with horses and they were then able to arrest a murder suspect who had been hiding out in the backlands of Mibicuri. On that occasion, ranks on foot and horseback were able to apprehend the suspect after surrounding him.
Three days later, the suspect, Winston Benjamin, was charged with the murder of Yansen Tamika Brushe and remanded.
“So with that we decided to speed up the operation here and have our own horses.” Adonis said, while adding that the project had been in the pipeline for some time now.
In December last, the Mounted Branch was re-introduced by the GPF with the first unit being at Lethem, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo).