Policy Forum Guyana launches 1.5 lifestyle starter kit

Project Coordinator Jasmine Crawford

In observance of World Environment Day on June 5, Policy Forum Guyana (PFG) unveiled its innovative 1.5 Lifestyle Starter Kit, aimed at inspiring young people and the wider Guyanese community to adopt eco-friendly practices and limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
The official unveiling took place at the National Library conference room on Saturday in a simple ceremony.
The introduction of the lifestyle kit marks a significant milestone in PFG’s ongoing efforts to promote a 1.5 lifestyle. Building on successful initiatives like the “Change Lifestyles Not Climate” Pledge and the Glass-It-Up Competition, which have raised environmental awareness among both organisations and youth.
The launch event was well-attended, with over 50 guests, including representatives from the Diplomatic Corps, NGOs, and international organisations. Key partners such as Teleperformance Guyana, Darthan Investments, Jars Zero Waste, EcoDen, and others have played a crucial role in bringing this initiative to life.
During the event, Project Coordinator, Jasmine Crawford emphasised the urgent need to address the climate crisis and strive to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as outlined in the Paris Agreement.

Influential personality Elsie Harry

She stressed the importance of the 1.5 lifestyle as a beacon of hope in the face of environmental challenges. In a symbolic gesture, the 1.5 Lifestyle Initiative Kits were presented to 12 influential personalities, including Elsie Harry, Romario Hastings, Nicolette Fernandes, and others from diverse backgrounds such as Indigenous leaders, LGBTQ+ advocates, and pageant queens. These individuals are the inaugural recipients of the 1.5 lifestyle kit in Guyana.
In addition, the Coordinator at Policy Forum Guyana, Benita Davis described the 1.5 Lifestyle Initiative Kit as a powerful tool to promote sustainable living and positive behavior changes in Guyana.

The Lifestyle Starter Kit

As such, she called for collective action to make a tangible impact on building a greener future. The carefully curated 1.5°C Influencer Kit contains a range of eco-friendly items to help individuals reduce their environmental impact and align with the 1.5°C climate target.
Davis highlighted the importance of simple lifestyle changes, such as using reusable water bottles and shopping bags, to support the campaign’s goals. Individuals interested in acquiring a 1.5 Lifestyle Kit or campaign items can contact Policy Forum Guyana. Organisations or representatives of NGOs can receive the kit for free to aid in promoting sustainable practices.
The cost of the kit is $25,000, with individual items priced variably.
Looking ahead, PFG is planning the Trash the Runway fashion event scheduled for October 2024, offering further opportunities for engagement in environmental conservation efforts.