Politicians, political influence are destroying GPF

Dear Editor,
People would be surprised if we examine racism, discrimination, intolerance and the abuse of power in the Guyana Police Force, based on critical analysis of theoretical and empirical research in the Guyana Police Force. The unlawful intrusion by the State and the discrimination by the Police Service Commission in the promotion of police officers are factors that are demoralising the police officers within the Force. A framework relating to anti-discrimination policy for promoting officers must be implemented, also the introduction of robust mechanisms to achieve democratic accountability.
Since the APNU/AFC coalition Government took office, it is evident that the Indian Guyanese police officers are being discriminated and humiliated in every aspect. There are no Indian Guyanese Assistant Commissioners of Police, there is only one Commander that is Indian Guyanese and the last promotion list indicated that only a few Indian Guyanese in the Police Force were elevated. There are many officers who are working under severe stress but are afraid to speak out against the system because of the fear of being victimised. There is a senior officer who was transferred to a department without even being given a desk to operate, no reasons why, the only assumption is that he is an East Indian, and was politically victimised.
The Government must set a human rights framework based on existing national legal instruments relating to anti-discrimination policy (including the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the United Nations Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials). This will provide a basis for critical evaluation of the research evidence and the development of measures to reduce racial discrimination and injustice.
Such measures include: – attempts to ensure that police organisations reflect the diversity of the society;
-measures to promote equality of opportunity and equality of service delivery;
-structures and processes to ensure legal, political and community accountability;
-introduction of civilian oversight measures and robust mechanisms for handling complaints;
-the development of ethnic minority staff networks and innovation in education and training. Politicians and political influence are destroying the Guyana Police Force.

Zamal Hussain