…calls for road users to take caution
The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry has joined the call for motorists to take caution on the roadways, as accidents continue to spiral and most importantly, lives are put at risk.
According to the Chamber, all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists, must exercise caution and obey the traffic laws to ensure their safety and that of others. Pointing to the alarming statistics, the Private Sector body insisted that these losses carry a heavy weight on affected families. This situation is one which requires input from private and public agencies.
“These statistics reveal an enormous human tragedy. Each road traffic fatality is a painful loss which signifies human suffering and economic and social costs. The Chamber believes that improved road safety and the reduction of road accidents is a shared responsibility which requires concerted action by road users, Government, the Private Sector, academia and civil society,” the GCCI stated.
Adding to that, it was recognised that the poor enforcement of governing traffic laws contributes to carnage on Guyana’s roadways.
“The Chamber is also cognisant that poor enforcement of traffic laws, speeding and reckless driving, and the lack of proper training and education are some of the main factors which contribute to road carnage in Guyana,” the statement indicated.
In suggesting recommendations to see positive results, the Chamber advised that preventative measures can be undertaken, such as the strict enforcement of laws, compulsory training of persons in the transportation sector, courses for older drivers, sensitisation campaigns, vehicle inspections and other awareness mechanisms.
“Road safety is everybody’s business and the GCCI urges all road users to stringently uphold traffic laws and regulations, and exercise good judgement when using the roadways by observing the five Cs – care, caution, consideration, common sense and courtesy,” the GCCI added.
So far, the Guyana Police Force has begun tackling the situation, by introducing the Safe Road Operation. Ranks would have conducted random checks on drivers and vehicles, where infringements were observed.
Some of the violations of drivers ranged from failure to confirm sign, failure to wear seatbelt, failure to wear safety helmet, unlighted motor vehicle, obscured identification mark, breach of fitness, tinted glass, failure to stop as directed by Police, unlicensed driver, untidy drivers, dangerous driving and driving under the influence of alcohol.
Owing to the rate at which persons were losing their lives, Police Commissioner Leslie James on Tuesday last announced that this exercise would be carried out across the country throughout the holiday season and beyond. As the year draws to a close, more than 18 persons have died in less than 30 days. So far for 2019, accidents have claimed the lives of more than 120 persons.