Port Kaituma businessman robbed by caretaker

The home of a 54-year-old businessman of Port Kaituma, North West District (NWD) was broken into over the weekend and robbed by a worker.
Based on reports received, a total of $560,000 in cash and 22 penny-weight of raw gold were stolen.
Police have said that the businessman left home on Sunday to transact some business, and upon his return home, he reportedly observed that his house was ransacked. According to detectives, the businessman had left an employee to look over the house while he was away.
However, after realising that his house had been burgled, the businessman raised an alarm and immediately checked around to see what was missing. It was during that inspection that he discovered the abovementioned items were not where they were supposed to be.
Police, acting on information received, arrested the suspect and an investigation has been launched.