Port Kaituma man found not guilty of statutory rape

Stephen Belle, a 30-year-old resident of Port Kaituma in Region One (Barima-Waini), has been found not guilty of statutory rape, after being charged following an incident that occurred on July 14, 2018, when the virtual complainant, a 12-year-old girl, went for a morning run at 05:00h.
The verdict was reached on Thursday, July 27, 2023 following a jury trial at the Sexual Offences Court.

Stephen Belle

The prosecution had contended that Belle had seen the girl and had asked her if she wanted an XL Energy Drink, to which she had replied in the affirmative. He allegedly gave the girl the drink, after which he took her to his house and made sexual advances to her, before raping her.
In his defence, Belle, who sells beverages, had denied committing the crime. He had said that he did not stay at his house, but had left the girl there as he went in search of her mother, since she was young and on the road at such an odd time.
Following hours of deliberation, the 12-member mixed panel returned with its verdict, which found Belle not guilty of statutory rape.
Justice Jo-Ann Barlow thereafter informed him that he was free to go, and in response, Belle cried and told the court that mothers and fathers should protect their children.
The trial proceedings were heard in-camera. This matter was prosecuted by State Counsel Simran Gajraj, Latifah Elliott and Rbina Christmas, while Attorney-at-Law Teriq Mohammed had represented Belle. (G1)