Port Kaituma residents to benefit from $14.9M well
The overhead storage which is being rehabilitated in Mabaruma, Region One
Over 200 households from Pittsburg to Four Miles in Port Kaituma, Region One (Barima-Waini), will soon benefit from first-time access to potable water.
Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) in a statement on Tuesday said that residents will gain access to water with the drilling of a new well by Foxx Services to the tune of some $14.9 million.
According to GWI, Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal along with a team of GWI and regional officials visited the site where the well is being drilled to assess the advancement on Sunday.
In addition to the drilling of the well, some six kilometres of pipelines are currently being laid in the communities even as over 200 individual service connections are being installed, GWI said, noting that this will afford the residents access to water on their premises.
This project is being executed in close collaboration with the Matarkai Neighbourhood Development Council (NDC) which is providing support which includes community involvement in the laying of the pipelines.
Additionally, Croal on Monday visited the Mabaruma District where rehabilitation works are ongoing to increase the hours of water supply to residents.
Rehabilitation works are being done at the Mabaruma pump station as well as expansion works at the Mabaruma spring to allow for the capturing of 50 per cent more water for distribution to residents.
Works are also being done to widen and deepen water springs at Barbina and Waina to increase the volume of water provided to residents for increased hours.
The residents of Mabaruma, Barbina and Waina currently receive water for between 4 to six hours once or twice per week. These works will allow GWI to increase the hours of water supply to 12 hours daily.
Renovation works are also being done to the overhead storage in the district, since the metal tank which existed was porous and therefore non-functional. Six new tanks are being installed to provide adequate water to all Government buildings in Central Mabaruma, including the regional hospital and school.
While in the region, Croal also handed over an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) valued $1.9 million for use in Matthew’s Ridge.