Porter remanded on simple larceny charge

A porter was on Thursday remanded to prison by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan after he appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts to answer to a simple larceny charge. Junior Robinson, 24, initially pleaded guilty with explanation, but his plea was changed following his explanation. It is alleged that between May 15 and May 16, 2018 while at Water Front, Port Kaituma, North West District, he stole four excavator bucket pins and two junction boxes valued $809,000, property of Edward Rodrigues.
According to the prosecution’s case, on the days in question the stolen items were displayed in a glass case in front of the Virtual Complainant’s business place. The items were subsequently stolen, and a report was made to the Police. Following an investigation, some of the items were recovered. Robinson was subsequently arrested and charged after CCTV footage reportedly showed that he was the person removing the items. In court on Thursday, Robinson told Chief Magistrate McLennan, “I don’t want to waste your time; I didn’t take his things.” Police Prosecutor Gordon Mansfield had no objections to bail being granted. Robinson was remanded to prison, and the matter would continue on June 27, 2018.