Potable water for Region 1 communities

Several hinterland communities in Region One (Barima-Waini) are to benefit from potable water as the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) continues its drive to ensure that all citizens have access to potable water.
This ongoing project will see the installation of several new wells in the communities this year.
In fact, the water company has already drilled a new well at Koko, Moruca, which will provide potable water for approximately 500 persons within 102 households at a total cost of $8.7 million. The well has been tested, and an agreement is being signed with the community to undertake civil works to ensure the well supplies the community by next month.
This project is also providing employment for the residents of Koko. The Koko Health Centre and Primary School will also benefit from reliable access to potable water.
Meanwhile, GWI is advancing construction of filters and a new pumping system in Hosororo, Mabaruma, which will allow residents access to treated water for the first time. The works being undertaken will see residents benefiting from extended hours of water supply, and increased level of service. An additional storage tank will support the supply of the Wanaina Pump Station to the service area.
Presently, materials are being sourced, and works have already commenced in Georgetown on the prefabrication of the filter tanks, which will be transported to the community. Following this, construction will commence on site. The Hosororo Primary and Nursery schools and the Health Post will benefit from access to potable water.
The supply system, projected to be completed over the next three months, will be providing water to more than 100 homes at a total investment cost of almost $20 million.
Works are also expected to commence on the drilling of a new well at Kamwatta (Barima/Waini), which will see approximately 600 persons gaining first time access to potable water, including the Kamwatta Health Centre and Primary School.
GWI has already secured a no-objection to secure half an acre of land, and the contractor will soon mobilise at the project site. The completion date for the project is the second half of 2018, and this project would provide jobs for the residents of Kamwatta during the execution.
Moreover, the water company has drilled a new well in Oronoque. It is currently in its developmental stage, but will aid in providing potable water for approximately 200 persons as well as the newly constructed hospital in the community. This project, being executed at a total cost of $18.9 million, would also provide jobs for the villagers of Oronoque. It is estimated that the works will be completed by next month.
Additionally, some 500 residents of Rincon will gain first time access to potable water following the completion of a $3.5 million water supply improvement project in that community.
GWI, through the Santa Rosa Village Council, is currently conducting works which entail the installation of 1.5 km of transmission lines in the community. The company noted that 90 per cent of the pipe laying has been completed, and the installation of individual service connections is ongoing.
This section of the community is sourcing water by way of rain water harvesting and from a shallow well which operates with a hand pump, located at the centre of the community. The completion of this project will see all residents in Santa Rosa receiving a reliable supply of potable water.