The FSO Nabarima oil tanker with 1.3 million barrels of crude oil is sinking in the Gulf of Paria between Venezuela and Trinidad, (see image below) and can impact the ecological systems of Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago almost immediately. The impact of the spill can also affect other countries within the hemisphere.
The Civil Defence Commission (CDC) and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Authority (CDEMA) are closely monitoring the situation and will keep the public updated.
Should the need arise, the National Oil Spill Contingency Plan (NOSCP) will be activated and the committee will be tasked with conducting analysis, assessments and necessary response measures to mitigate any adverse effect on Guyana.
Fishing and sea-going vessels are urged to be on the lookout for any sighting of oil spills and to report immediately to MARAD Georgetown Lighthouse on telephone number 226-9871.