Power struggles of a regime

Dear Editor,
There is clearly a great power struggle happening amongst the ranks of the APNU+AFC regime, with Nagamootoo and Ramjattan seeing an opening and are bent on going for blood.
The catalyst for this entire episode was the announcement that Minister of State Joseph Harmon had appointed Brian Tiwari to the position of Advisor of Business.
The PNC/APNU rank and file reacted harshly to this political appointment. They, of course, had heard so many negative things about Tiwari when the party was in opposition. Now, the man has become a ‘big shot’ overnight, travelling with a diplomatic passport with Minister Harmon on a ‘business’ trip to China.
The reaction was so sharp that the regime’s officials began shouting ‘it wasn’t me’. The President himself claimed he did not know about this arrangement, thus his resulting action of rescinding the appointment.
Nagamootoo, sensing an opening, and believing that Harmon was wounded, immediately followed the President’s reaction, stating, too, that ‘I didn’t know.’ The motive was to sink Harmon even further.
Nagamootoo’s desire for power knows no bounds. Same goes for Ramjattan. It is interesting to note that the Kaieteur News seems to be launching daily attacks on Harmon as well. The question that must be asked is why?
Clearly, Glen Lall feels slighted that Tiwari was bestowed with such an important status, while he, who was responsible for churning all the distortions, half-truths and downright lies against the PPP/C administration, was not treated in the same manner.
Jealousy now seems to be the main motivating factor in this case. Lall is obviously hurt because he spread so many lies about the PPP/C administration, causing obvious damage to that party’s reputation and character. Now Tiwari is being given more prestige by the APNU+AFC.
Meanwhile, Nagamootoo and Ramjattan called a meeting of the AFC, which they described as a ‘retreat’. Sensing their chances, they are once again going for the jugular.
They have advanced the notion that Harmon has too much power (this is Nagamootoo’s chance to grab even more power). The way was to weaken Harmon. This is not the only fight taking place. Within the APNU/PNC ranks, some elements are seeking to make Harmon the ‘sacrificial lamb’ to promote their own fortunes.
Basil Williams also, judging by his comments (and the manner in which he said it), seems to be subtly indicating that he is opposed to Tiwari’s political appointment by Harmon. Harmon, being General Secretary of the APNU, has diluted Williams’ authority as Chairman of the PNC.
Political observers have long suspected that there is no lost love between these two gentlemen. Williams also has ambitions to climb to the political summit.
Another angle that we should not lose sight of is the Trotman factor.
Freddie Kissoon had reported that in a speech at Bartica, Trotman had declared that the prodigal son had returned (a subtle hint that he had never left the PNC). The manner in which he formed the AFC was really a trap to lure Nagamootoo and Ramjattan to leave the ranks of the PPP. He worked on their egos and thirst for power. And the fools they were, fell neatly into the net set for them.
Trotman seems to be getting closer to Granger and would also like to damage Harmon’s character so that he can replace him.
So with Harmon seemingly wounded, the vultures are circling, waiting to move in for the kill.
However, Harmon may be down, but not out. Over the weekend, he organised a counter-picket, hailing him as being not corrupt. He has fired back at Kaieteur News by instigating a protest outside the office of that newspaper.
While these fights are taking place, they have revealed one essential fact. This is clearly a fight for the spoils. Everyone wants to be in a position of power in order to extract as much as possible for themselves.
It reveals that the government as a whole is extremely corrupt and the situation will only get worse. Now that Nagamootoo and Ramjattan have shown their hands, we await their next move.
Will they push ahead in alliance with a faction of the APNU to destroy Harmon? And if Harmon fights back just as strong, will they retreat?
Let’s see how this fight for spoils plays out.

Former President
Donald Ramotar