Dear Editor,
The title of my letter today is kind of odd, seeing my main discourse centres around the latest court ruling, which in its truest sense gives power to the ruling dictatorship of David Granger, and not to the people of this country. So, the reader just having a cursory glance at my title would be a little befuddled at my choice of topic. However, in due course of my writings, you will eventually get the point and see where I am going with the above title.
In the first place, I must say hoorah to the Attorney General, he has finally “won” a case in court; because with that limited mentality of his, this is a laudable achievement for him. Poor Basil, he could never amount to much, but with that batch of foreign input, he finally got there. Kudos to the guy! I propose a toast and a pat on the back!
But is it really a commendation for Williams? I think not. I would rather take off my hat to the hapless people of this country, who continue to fund a sorry excuse for an attorney general, one who wastes their money on matters that suits himself and party. There is nothing in that ruling for the people, who bore the brunt of the costs for Williams’s shenanigans.
He has used up valuable resources on high priced foreign attorneys, who really were not needed for that decision. Everything that the Attorney General has done marks overkill.
Further to our discussion is the fact that we saw this coming. With a court that is under duress, any decision emanating therefrom is just another wry reflection of that disappointment. What is also clear is that the representatives of the people, through the Opposition, were only testing the integrity of the court system, to see if it would stand by them or stand by the dictatorship. Sadly, the court chose the latter.
It is all about Granger and his PNC Party flexing their stolen power muscle on a powerless people. He is the one calling the shots; he is the one making all the decisions, contrary to the clear guidelines enshrined in the Constitution.
There is nothing left to the imagination when you see the highhanded manner in which the President walked all over us in that unilateral appointment of a GECOM Chairman. That appointment is testimony to the free rein that he enjoys when important decisions are to be made.
He may want to sugar-coat his decision by saying that the one selected would be impartial in his deliberations, so we have nothing to fear. But this is furthest from the truth, because the old buffoon has given his boss away. Patterson is already on the warpath with that obstinate, geriatric attitude of his, stifling dissent. Like his counterpart in Parliament, who is not entertaining comments from the Opposition’s chair.
This is a clear sign of this guy’s intentions as to the way things ought to be done in “His GECOM.” Isn’t this a very backward development for a country that is supposed to be a democracy?
So, back to my title. Power to the People come 2020, on or before. I call on the People of this great country to come out in their numbers and make that unequivocal decision. You see, in Granger’s scheme of things, the old Burnhamite con-artist tricks look pretty attractive: take complete control of the electoral machinery, and all will be well with thee. Of course it worked for Burnham then, but you are now talking about a new dispensation of things, when people abhor dictatorships and their bullyism.
Granger has made that tactical error of taking Guyanese back down a road which we would never want to travel again. So foisting his military style on a country that has grown accustomed to democracy spells the end of him. Our country has no place for dictators, and in this regard we will exercise zero tolerance for them. We have done it in 1992, and will do it again.
For a people who have had a sweet taste of democracy these last 23 years, we are not about to give it away; no, never! We have tasted, and I dare say grown accustomed to, democratic norms and values, hence this PNC backwardness we will not entertain.
And this is a message for the CCJ as well: that nothing will block our path as we march forward to freedom. We, The PPP, stand on the side of the people. Spikes like horrendous court decisions were set on the road that blew out our tyres, but we are going to stay on our rims and limp to safety.
Our safety is in numbers, people numbers, and power to the people! Let me assure this Government and its handpicked lackeys at GECOM that nothing is going to stop us achieving our goal. Once again, power to The People!
Neil Adams