Home Letters PPP/C party can count, calculate and converse past a trillion
Dear Editor,
The bashers have already started to brag and boast about who is better at blowing the Government’s trillion-dollar 2024 budget to bits and pieces, plugging holes in the proposals and trashing the Ministers’ presentations by tearing them apart.
The PNC is famous for breaking, and not building. Where is the Co-op Bank that they started? They will all be dressed to death as they address their attention to fathom on this festive feast in the ‘man-eating’ fiesta.
Dave Martin says, “It’s tradition”, yet the PNC will not agree with the PPP/C budget, which will provide more money for their comrades, who in turn will be able to spend more on food, medicine, education, housing and clothing.
How can a budget with this magnum and magnitude not benefit Guyanese in the short and long terms, whether directly or indirectly, as well as wholesomely and holistically? Remember, it is the very PNC under disguise who marched this country into economic bankruptcy at the end of both of their terms in office! The PPP/C party left them with surplus in 1964 and in 2015, of which they twice squandered through pilfering and wastage. How can those who are mathematically bankrupt manage such trillion-dollar figures?
The oil industry is interpreted in US dollars. Can we now convert US dollars to Guyana dollars with some degree of accuracy? And yet, Guyanese will hear them challenging PPP/C Math geniuses!
It’s customary for the clobbers to chastise the cheerers, and condemn any one concurring with the Government and confirming all the positivity from the budget. The critics will castigate Harry Wrong to Hari Right, and condemn even those who stand to gain meaningfully and not minimally.
The PNC’s DNA is to destroy, not develop. After all, they have to show that they are worth their salt in order to maintain their position in their worldly barrel of crab climbing! How can the Opposition scoff at their constituencies and chastise supporters who ultimately will reap the benefits of this colossal piece of economic artistry? Sir Arthur Lewis supports educating people as one of the means of removing poverty. The PNC denied their members the children’s cash grants. It is the PPP/C party who replaced their loss. Now you will hear how the PNC cannot support the very budget which calls for increases for this cash grant.
The devoted duty of the PNC’s magicians as the Opposition party is to be as damaging, dangerous and devious as possible, as each conceivable opportunity presents itself; and not to conceal their poisonous, pent-up and peppery feelings. Those lambasting will lace their asinine statements with all the unadulterated, lethal and venomous remarks with pride, and without being prejudiced about reservation.
Yet it is the PNC who looted and burnt their own Georgetown playground in the 60s, and allowed Georgetown to become a garbage city instead of the garden city. Now it is the PPP/C party who has to clean up their mess and physically pick up their pieces in order for the city to be presentable. All the mayors have engaged in the compilation of filth and faeces. What happened to Durban Park? Who created this eyesore? Who is rebuilding City Hall?
Yet the PNC will be grumpy with the budget. They will vote against it, or, as usual, abstain from voting for what is in their own interest and that of their supporters. They will not back a budget which will support their own communities; which will see their rising youths getting a chance to shine in sports and engage in cultural activities, instead of walking the streets.
Guyana’s young generation is already prepared for this abhorrent ceremony, and there will be no culture shock. The PNC proliferators are not capable of bridging borders; instead, they are conformists for blocking with barriers. Their show will exhibit their previous performances, inclusive of total disregard for the Speaker of the House, perpetual interruptions, being noisy nuisances, and sneering and mocking without limit. All Guyanese, except the PNC, will agree with a PPP/C budget which will make education at UG free. Imagine your own party working against your interest!
The PNC bombed and burnt their own backward in Mackenzie at the expense of their own people in the 60s. Now it’s the PPP/C party who will bridge that gap with new and modern infrastructure. The PNC will not want to see a PPP/C budget which will finance housing, water and electricity for their own ‘kith and kin,’ who want to improve their standard of living with the help of the various Government programs. It is the PPP/C’s budget which will cater to providing employment for Lindeners, so that the people in that town will improve their lifestyle. Yet, the PNC will find fault with this plan.
The naysayers from the PNC will prophesy doom and gloom, and their crystal ball will include a boomless economy and will exclude any blooming growth. They were clueless in managing the COVID-19 pandemic. The hollow Liliendaal construction was a mere empty building until the PPP/C came into power and converted it into a functioning hospital. It is the very PPP/C 2024 budget which is catering for the building of new hospitals and advance medical technology to treat Guyanese and ensure that the health care system is the leading state-of-the- art medical institution in the Caribbean. This budget is the very budget which the PNC will cry, “Shame! Shame! Shame!” at, and will not help to see it materialize. They do not want to see the people enjoying a happy and healthy life.
The 2024 Budget is the brainchild of the PPP/C Government, ardently created with the help of many stakeholders and players from different fields. This is inclusive governance with the theme, “Staying the Course, building Prosperity for all.” Bamboozled with a trillion-dollar figure, the PNC remains visionless, and could have never imagined that the PPP/C party is capable with ease of counting, calculating and conversing past a thousand billion!
Yours respectively,
Jai Lall