Regional Consultative Committee
… cite lack of consultation, asked by Govt to fund own travel expenses
People’s Progressive Party (PPP) regional leadership, including Chairmen, Vice Chairmen, Mayors and Deputy Mayors, boycotted the launch of the National

Regional Development Consultative Committee (NRDCC) at the Marriott Hotel on Friday.
The event was held under the auspices of the Communities Ministry without any prior consultation with the Opposition.
The PPP on Friday stated that Government neglected to hold consultations with the Opposition, announced the meeting at very short notice and asked the representatives to fund their own transportation to the event.
The Party revealed that they were contacted by a number of Regional Chairmen and Mayors, who expressed their disapproval of attending the proceedings.

Daveanand Ramdatt
Those involved in the boycott are Regional Chairmen and Vice Chairmen who control areas the PPP/C won at the 2015 General and Regional Elections and the Mayor of the Anna Regina Town Council.
“(They) complained that they were given very short notice and were not given details regarding the meeting prior to travelling. Further, they were also asked to fund their own travelling costs,” the Party stated, in a statement on Friday.
“The PPP notes with interest that there was no prior consultation with the parliamentary Opposition or with the invited regions and municipalities on the inauguration of a NRDCC and the establishment of ten Regional Development Consultative Committees (RDCCs).”
The PPP stated that as a result, the Regional Chairmen and Vice Chairmen and three Mayors and Deputy Mayors had written to the Minister to inform him that they would not be attending due to lack of prior consultation.

David Armogan
“These elected regional and municipal leaders also stated that they will not endorse attempts to create any body which will impinge on or dilute the constitutional and legal power and authority of these elected Councils,” the Party stated.
The Party noted that the regional representative are however prepared to meet with the Minister to discuss the proposed NRDCC at a properly arranged meeting, with adequate notice and in-depth consultations in each of their administrative regions with the Regional Democratic Council (RDC), the municipalities and the Neighbourhood Democratic Councils.
The party also criticized the introduction of regional flags and symbols, pointing out that the Regional Councils have opposed them.
“The PPP concludes that this is yet another example of the Government’s unwillingness to hold proper and meaningful consultations with the elected bodies at the regional, municipal and NDC levels.
The Government’s consistency in their attempts to control in all ways possible can only now be described as utter disdain and disrespect for these elected bodies which are controlled overwhelmingly by the PPP/C.”
The consultation’s change to Friday was indeed on short notice, a fact acknowledged by Communities Minister Ronald Bulkan in his address to the gathering before the launch of the consultations. He made no mention, however, of travelling costs.
After the launching of the event, Minister Bulkan described the boycott as a “petty one,” which may have been centrally orchestrated. He said the initiative would have strengthened regional administration and allow for more consultations between RDCs.
“I was informed that they would not be attending, out of concerns that this committee would dilute the authority of the RDCs and municipalities. And that they did not want to appear to endorse its existence,” the Minister told the media.
When asked whether the boycott would affect the work of the committee, Bulkan noted that they would still continue with the deliberations.