PPP has many candidates to run for President

Dear Editor,
I would like to respond to an article, entitled, “Anthony, Nandlall, Ali among likely PPP picks,” published by the Stabroek News in its April 8, 2018 edition. First, I would like to openly and conspicuously endorse the author’s observation of the three potential presidential candidates; namely Anthony, Nandlall, and Ali. However, not wanting to be misconstrued, I would like to state explicitly that I’m in no way on a mission to adulterate the outstanding public image of any of the above statesmen.  Starting off with the current Chief Whip of the PPP, Ms. Gail Teixeira, as a possible presidential candidate, I personally think she is an outstanding politician with unmatched Government experience. Unfortunately dealing with the millennial existing socioeconomic and environmental issues, and having the party transition to a new generation, weighs against her. Her esteemed credentials and political astuteness, nonetheless, seamlessly dovetail into her existing role, and are more suited for the Government Chief of Staff. However, she should not be ruled out of contention, or be dismissed as the article did her.
Ms Teixeira is loyal, committed, and disciplined when it comes to her party. While she may not be as young as the other contenders, she is vibrant, and is among the best in the current Parliament. In my view, the more intense the battle becomes between the three younger contenders, the greater her chances become to be the candidate the leadership compromise on.  Ali, with his broad and profound knowledge of the economy, proven ability to manage immense portfolio, like Minister of Housing and Water and Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce simultaneously, is also a favoured one. During his tenure, housing had evolved into a key economic impetus, one that drove the economy for over six years. His experience in government, including acting Prime Minister and President, is an asset for him. I am of the view that he fulfills the criteria to get the nomination. However, does he command the votes within the executive to get the nomination?  Nandlall, though very outspoken and publicly eulogized for his high level of zest and unrivalled sagacity in the legal profession, is in my view having a deficit of experience in functioning at varying levels in Government. His experience is insufficient to actively take up responsibilities of the highest office in Guyana, having being constrained to the portfolio of attorney general. The perfect presidential candidate must be an all-star, and a multidisciplinary individual who understands the dynamics of the economy. However Nandlall is bold, and may very well draw support from all factions of the party in getting the nomination.  Anthony, as a possible nominee for the presidential candidate, in my opinion, is more of a lukewarm politician than an assertive one. In my opinion, even though he may be regarded as a very polite politician, setting that aside, this country needs a leader who is confident. However, more is needed, given the demanding role of being a President. Mr. Anthony is well supported by the old guard. Will this work in his favour? We will just have to wait and see.   In my view, Guyana is poised to become a major player in global oil and gas production. However, empirical evidence continues to confirm widespread prevalence of natural resource curse and Dutch disease in nascent oil producing countries. The next presidential candidate must, at a minimum, recognize this phenomenon and take bold steps to protect the manufacturing and industrial sector. Bharrat Jagdeo is the only national politician that the population will rally around, and the party will unanimously choose for 2020. The Leadership must know by now he is their most viable option, and if things do not go his way, then the party has an uphill battle to stay unified after the selection of its Presidential candidate.

David Persaud