Home Letters PPP supporters do not want legacy of Dr Jagan tarnished
Dear Editor,
Reference Roshan Khan’s letter on January 4, 2017, headlined “Red House should be for all presidents”, I wish to advise Mr Khan that, while PNC Presidents have a multitude of places named after and monuments dedicated to them.
The latest being a museum dedicated to former President Hoyte, while many valuable pieces of large tracts of real estate were given to PNC affiliates and party at its Congress Place and other locations, its leaders and supporters, as well as five acres of prime freehold property to the Burnham family by then President Bharrat Jagdeo, which they sold for in excess of 0 million – the only landmarks honouring Dr Cheddi Jagan is the national airport (the naming of which received much censure from PNC supporters, regardless of the fact that, along with Burnham’s various names, his children and wife had entire communities named after them, and the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (CJRC).
Mr Khan knows full well the histories and realities of all the Presidents and why Dr Cheddi Jagan’s supporters would never countenance, much less accept their revered Dr Jagan’s memoirs to be housed in the same building as those of the other presidents. It is their emotional, psychological and spiritual connection to a man they revere second to God: So Mr Khan is being disingenuous in his call for the PPP to give in to the coalition’s demands on this matter.
Red House and, by extension, the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (CJRC) is the one place where PPP supporters can connect with the memories and be strengthened by their supreme leader.
Housing the other presidents, whom they see as opposite in everything that Dr Cheddi was and stood for would be sacrilege in their eyes.
If PPP leaders had accepted these conditions of the Granger-led Administration they would have immediately courted the anger and condemnation of their supporters worldwide, which would have had dire consequences for the unity of the Party. The Jagan memories, legacy and spirit are the bonding factor of the PPP as a political party.
Parvati Persaud-