PPP Youman Nabi message

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) extends greetings to all Muslims on the occasion of Youman Nabi, which commemorates the birth and death anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad.

This is indeed an auspicious occasion which provides an opportunity for all Muslims and people generally to reflect on the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, whose teachings and exemplary lifestyle have influenced the lives of hundreds of millions across all the continents of the world.

The PPP embraces the universal message of peace, equality and brotherhood as adumbrated by the Holy Prophet Muhammad. This message is particularly relevant today where there is so much tension and conflicts in several parts of the world.

Regrettably, there is still too much poverty and intolerance in the world which has resulted in millions of people being condemned to a life of deprivation and misery. The conflicts in the Middle East which have generated one of the worst humanitarian crises in modern history is but one manifestation of a departure from the concept of brotherhood and tolerance.

In Guyana, sadly, the current APNU/AFC regime while speaking glibly of peace and social cohesion has clearly embarked on a governance approach, which is inconsistent with the ideals of a fair and just society.

The PPP takes this opportunity to call on all Guyanese not to lose hope but remain vigilant and steadfast in the ongoing struggle for a peaceful and just Guyana.

Once again, Youman Nabi greetings to our Muslim brothers and sisters.