Pres Ali joins countrywide cleanup exercise

President Dr Irfaan Ali has participated in the countrywide cleanup campaign organised by the Public Works Ministry.
The Head-of-State was joined on Saturday morning by Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai; Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Hugh Todd, and Minister within the Public Works Ministry, Deodat Indar.
This campaign had a heavy focus on drainage and irrigation systems around the various locations, especially at the DSL Junction, where President Ali aided in the cleanup efforts. Poor drainage in that area had often caused water to settle on one side of the road.
A DPI report has indicated that President Ali and his team managed to create channels to facilitate proper drainage of the water; and
where thick vegetation had been sprouting, crucial work was done to keep the area at a standard level.
This exercise has seen other cabinet members being dispatched to other locations and regions to work hand-in-hand with residents for the development of a hygienic environment.
Since Government took office in 2020, emphasis has been placed on creating a cleaner and greener country.
To achieve this objective, the President has ensured that constant cleaning exercises are held in each of the ten administrative regions during the year.
For these exercises to be more effective, responsibility has been narrowed down to the various Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) and municipalities, in order to ensure that residents within the communities participate.
An initiative known as the ‘Community Enhancement Workers’ Programme has also been implemented to achieve the goal of a cleaner country. The programme has allowed persons to be employed while aiding in the cleanliness of their communities. In this year’s budget, some $1.5 billion was allocated to maintain this programme, which has so far seen approximately 2,000 persons gaining employment.
Meanwhile, through the Office of the First Lady, several recreational facilities and green spaces have been established to promote a more family-oriented environment, where one can strive mentally and socially. As such, millions have thus far been invested to build parks and other social infrastructure across the country.
With an astute way of governing, the PPP/C government has, over the past four years, always ensured that the improvement of citizens’ livelihoods is of top priority.