President Ali says justice for Henry cousins must be swift, achieved in a peaceful manner

President Irfaan Ali joined families of Isaiah and Joel Henry for a private viewing at Sandy’s Funeral Home on Sunday

As family and friends gathered on Sunday to bid farewell of murdered teens, Joel and Isaiah Henry, President Dr Irfaan Ali, who attended the private viewing at Sandy’s Funeral Home, reiterated the need for justice to be served while adding that it must be done in a peaceful and swift manner.
“Today (Sunday) we should respect the family, have the family in our thoughts and prayers; to support them spiritually and mentally and to use the day for prayer and reflection for these two young men. We should use the day to understand how important love, peace and unity is for our country,” President Ali told those who were present at the viewing.

Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon and other Opposition members on Sunday

“What we can pray for ultimately is for justice for these two young men, for peace and unity and to let their lives be a legacy for the future of Guyana.”
“These events must never occur again… in the memory of these two young men, all of Guyana should recommit to love, peace unity and to serve in God. Today I ask the rest of Guyana to reflect in a peaceful manner, to reflect in prayer and to hold up the families in prayer. I urge all of Guyana to reflect calmly today,” President Ali further stated.
Meanwhile, also joining the families for the private viewing of the murdered teenagers were several Opposition Members including Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon, who alluded that the country is “shaken and distraught” by the deaths of the teenagers.
“This morning (Sunday) Isaiah and Joel should have been in church giving thanks, instead we are in service giving them a homegoing…. We hold their mothers, father and siblings up in prayer and ask the good Lord to keep them and to gradually ease their pain and immense suffering from their passing. Our only solace in this moment of torment is that each Henry family now has a new angel to watch over them”, he stated.
Harmon said though the pain of the boys’ deaths will not easily subside, justice must be delivered for them.
“None of us must rest or relent. We must ensure that those, all of those, responsible for their deaths are brought to justice and met with the full force of the law. This is not about recrimination; it is about justice”.
Meanwhile, the funeral service for the two teens was held at the Number Five Village Ballfield, West Coast Berbice, followed by burial at the Number Five Burial Ground.
The mutilated bodies of Isaiah and Joel were discovered at the Cotton Tree Backdam, WCB, last Sunday, two days after they went missing. Following their deaths, major protests spread across the country which resulted in unrest along the West Berbice corridor.
As the probe into the teens’ murder continues, several persons have been arrested for questioning.