Home Letters President Ali steering Guyana forward in right direction
Dear Editor,
The PPP/C victory over the coalition Government on March 2, 2020 sent a powerful message to all and sundry that President Dr Ali would be sworn in as the ninth President of Guyana on the following day. But sadly, it did not happen until five months later on August 4, 2020 after several legal battles aimed to nullify the election results. Though he won narrowly by only one parliamentary seat, it was enough for President Dr Ali to tell the nation that he will govern in the interest of all Guyanese, regardless of race or party affiliation. In less than six months in office he has succeeded in spanning the country from coast to coast to meet and interact with the people, but more importantly, to solve some of their outstanding problems.
Faced with a deeply divided country, the President has set the tone in several speeches that no one will be left behind and all will be involved in the development of the country. To this end, he has established a civil, inclusive, and conciliatory Administration to make sure that all are treated fairly and equally. On several occasions, he has called for healing and solidarity among the races. His “One Guyana” initiative is solid proof that he is serious and genuine to solve the race issue, which has plagued the country long before he was born.
Make no mistake, since in office, President Dr Ali had faced tremendous headwinds in governing, but his convictions and vision for a developed and prosperous Guyana coupled with his prodigious economic strategy have successfully steered him though the perils. And while he is addressing the problems head-on, he has an opportunity to be a transformational President in ways that would exceed what he will achieve during his hugely popular, respected and appreciated presidency.
He has offered a blueprint that would bolster agricultural, livestock, mining and commodity markets with conservation goals and is investing in the technologies and skills needed to develop the country and move it forward. He has promoted reconciliation with the “One Guyana” initiative and has called for an end to political polarisation and racial politics which at times could heighten the risk of violence. Not to mention that his Government has fostered closer partnerships with civil society to rein in disinformation and brainwashing and safeguard civic and human rights. His development strategy includes the modernisation of the ageing infrastructure, expansion of education, improvement in health care, increased agriculture, mining and fishing production and the social welfare of the citizens.
Equally important, President Ali has called for unity, an end to racial intolerance which is constantly amplified by some on social media and messaging services at home and in the diaspora. He has encouraged intergroup and intragroup contact and communication/discussions through citizen assemblies as outlined in his 1000-men programme, which is aimed at reducing prejudices between the races and creating a more civil society. In other words, he is fostering a political and social culture in which citizens focus more on policies than on personalities by allowing for more open discussions and debates and participatory decision-making.
President Ali has reinvigorated the United Nations global initiatives to address poverty, inequality, and food insecurity in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine which has led to steeply high food and commodity prices worldwide. As a consequence, these events have led to massive suffering and set-backs not only in Guyana but also among many other lower-and middle-income and developed countries’ sustainable-development efforts. And as the global financial and monetary conditions have tightened, many countries in the global south are faced with punishing debt crises that will hit the most vulnerable communities the hardest. To counter these effects, President Ali has asked his Finance Minister to develop a robust budget that will move the country forward and avoid such pitfalls. Many believe that President Ali is the right President at the right time in the nation’s political history to steer the country forward and once again make Guyana the bread basket for the Caribbean.
Yours truly,
Dr Asquith Rose