President awards 3 scholarships to soldiers

…says housing, improved healthcare high on agenda for GDF

Three ranks of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) on Friday received scholarships from Commander-in-Chief, President Irfaan Ali, who had previously promised same to the ranks.

Commander-in-Chief President Irfaan Ali, and Chief-of-Staff Brigadier (ag) Godfrey Bess with the three scholarship recipients

The Head of State presented Corporal Ryan Jordan, Lance Corporal Nikolai Moore and Private Michael Yarde with scholarships at the GDF Annual Christmas Lunch at Base Camp Ayanganna.
During a visit to the border community of Kaikan, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), last week, President Ali had announced that three of the ranks stationed there would benefit from University of Guyana scholarships.
“We were in Kaikan and I asked the soldiers from among themselves to select who they thought were priority in gaining scholarships… They selected these three officers and for this, I thank them,” the President said on Friday.
He underscored the significance of giving them the power to select their peers, which he said will contribute to empowering the unit to make decisions collectively. He stressed too that this approach will help to foster an environment in which ideas could be shared through constructive and strategic discussions.
In addition, the Commander-in-Chief posited that the award of these scholarships is just the tip of the iceberg and that the soldiers will benefit from many other opportunities moving forward.
“We have set aside a special number of training opportunities… this time it is not top-down, this time the units will select who they believe is not only most qualified but who they think should be given the priority. This is the way we are going forward,” he asserted.
Emphasising the importance of responding to the educational aspirations of the ranks, the President, as was done recently at a similar event hosted by the Guyana Police Force, further assured the army ranks that they will benefit from his Administration’s 20,000 scholarships that will become available from next year.
“I want you to know we will have a special programme to ensure that you benefit from these scholarships,” he stated, while noting that this will be done based on merit and performance of ranks.
Moreover, President Ali went on to reassure hundreds of ranks at Friday’s luncheon that they would also benefit from programmes designed to enhance the quality of their lives.
One such programme the Head of State mentioned is a special housing initiative for soldiers.
“We see you owning your own house lots… own your own homes and come next year we are going to commence this process… I’ve already asked the Ministry of Housing to come up with a special housing programme that… sees you owning your own house,” he disclosed.
According to the President, the ranks will benefit from a specially tailored housing programme that will be implemented from their headquarters so that they will not have to “join the lines,” thus ensuring a hassle-free process.
Meanwhile, President Ali also acknowledged that one of the key concerns of the ranks is access to better healthcare.
“We are working on a programme to enhance the healthcare for every citizen. I am also talking to the Chief of Staff to see ways in which we can facilitate easier access to healthcare for you the ranks of the GDF,” he noted.
The Commander-in-Chief stressed too that continuous training opportunities will also be part of their overall development. He reasoned that these opportunities will be provided not only to improve the institution but also to move it forward.
“We have some exceptional talent, great brainpower in the Guyana Defence Force but we have to utilise that talent and our brainpower for national development. And I’ll assure you this is the direction we are going to go towards,” the Head of State noted.
This is why, President Ali explained, there is a clear outlined strategy for enhanced roles for ranks of the GDF and officers in community development; and overall national development.
He stressed that the ranks will become part of the national security architecture and will be utilised to give logistical support to the Government.
“I want to assure you that we have already started the discussion on how we can make things better, and whilst I have had a lot of this discussion at the top, be assured that in the coming year I’ll be visiting all the units to hear from you, to listen to you and to understand your perspective on the improvement of the Guyana Defence Force.”
Further, the President told the ranks that despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government was still able to provide a two-week tax-free bonus that will be paid before the end of the year.
He proclaimed that this will only improve because “there is no other direction for our country and our people than a forward, upward direction”.
The President charged the ranks to not only recommit to Guyana, but also their oath of office, to the people and to give their best to the country and citizens.
“I have seen the respect and regard the population give the uniform you wear, the honour they give the uniform you wear. But equally, we must earn and show we uphold our oath, we must earn and show that we also bring dignity and honour to the uniform we wear. And I ask you today to recommit yourself to the country,” the Commander-in-Chief stated.