President, First Lady open Sunrise Centre in Region 2
– aimed at empowering and providing skills training and mental health support services
Residents in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) can now access professional counselling, mental health support services, holistic wellness activities, skills training courses free of cost now that the Guyana Foundation has formally opened a Sunrise Centre in the Region.
The Centre was officially opened on Saturday during the ceremonial cutting of ribbon done by President David Granger and First Lady Sandra Granger, assisted by elder Kayman Sankar at lot 1 Zorg-en-Vlygt, Essequibo Coast.
Addressing the audience the First Lady called on Essequibians to use the Centre to empower themselves in the various skill areas. First Lady Granger, patron of the Guyana Foundation, said that the Centre was opened with the aim of building a strong community that can fight against the many social ills in society such as depression and suicide.
She said it is her desire to see the Centre become a hub where persons can visit in time of need as well as to make themselves more marketable. She congratulated the organisers for the achievements thus far. She mentioned that the Centre since establishment has hosted GOAL workshops as well as extended its services to persons in the Amerindian community of Lake Mainstay\Wyaka.
The First Lady therefore called on the graduands to use their skills to start small businesses and hence earn an income from their skills.
Meanwhile, founder of the foundation Surpriya Singh-Bodden during her address said that the Sunrise Centre is part of the foundation’s ongoing efforts to provide urgent training, counselling and support to individuals and families in need across Guyana. Singh-Bodden said that most of the facilitators and mental health counsellors hail from Essequibo Coast.
She happily informed that the three-month pilot phase was successfully completed and already, the foundation has received orders from a leading fashion house in the Cayman Islands.
Singh-Bodden further stated that 80 per cent of the focus of the Guyana Foundation will now be directed to Region Two.
The Centre is currently operating under the motto “Hope for Tomorrow, Today, Together”.
It is the first such Centre to be opened in Guyana to date. On the occasion 34 persons graduated in skills such as Electrical installation, catering, fabric designing, and floral arrangements. They were presented with certificates by First Lady Granger.
One participant Verlyn Trotz told this newspaper that the course was a life changing one for her. She did the catering course and said she learnt a lot from it. When asked what she intends to do with her knowledge she said she can now cater for birthdays, weddings and other occasions.
Kevin Gangoo an electrical installation student said he would like to thank Guyana Foundation for providing young people within the district with the various skills.
The Centre will be starting new courses November 14.
Also attending the opening was Region Two Chairman Daveanand Ramdatt and Regional Executive Officer Rupert Hopkinson.